A Fixation With Food

I have one.  Do you?

Omygosh I love food!  “Food glorious food.”

I have homemade baked mac and cheese in the oven right this moment ~ and the mouth watering aroma is almost too much to bear!  Pasta… cheese… absolutely amazing stuff right there!

Gosh it’s just so wonderful isn’t it?!   ♥ Food ♥

I thought this would be a good topic for me to write about today as I begin yet another attempt to try and eat healthier.  Mac and cheese = a great way to start if I do say so myself!  😉

The problem with starting any new diet or eating plan is that we have to concentrate on it so much.  It’s all we can think about because we have to plan ahead and spend so much time and energy on thinking about it.  It takes over our lives.

Over the years I have went on various diets here and there and have lost 40 pounds like 6 times.  I should be as thin as a skeleton by now.  But for some reason I always stop there, at the 40 pound mark, and then gain it all back again.

Here’s a bit of dieting wisdom for ya… all diets work.  Yep, pretty much every single one of them.  If you stick with it…

They may not all be healthy though.  Each diet plan has their own slant on what they think is the culprit or reason that people are overweight and certainly there are many, many different variables, but I’m here to say that it’s really quite simple ~ all you have to do is… eat less and move more.  That’s all there is to it!

Oh but sometimes doing that is anything but simple

A few years ago I was at a point where my “numbers” according to the medical professionals were getting into a higher range.  Not quite at the needing a prescription point just yet, but starting to be of some concern.  When I questioned them as to what I could do to avoid having to take medications they said “Nothing, you’re 40, you have a family medical history of this and that, blah blah blah, and it’s inevitable that you will have to be on medications.”  What?!  Um… no, I’m not just accepting that…

So I went out and did a little bit of investigative research for myself and after scouring through vast amounts of information, I found several natural things I could do to improve my health.  Because ya know… it’s not just all about the weight ~ you may be a normal weight, but have some seriously scary malfunctions going on inside your body that you’re not even aware of.

So I began practicing a few of these natural things and after a year or so, guess what happened?  Not only did I lose about 25 pounds (without being on a diet), but all of those “numbers” went back into the normal range.

What did I do?  Well I changed a lot of little things, and along with adding a few more supplements to my regimen, mostly I cut way back on the amount of processed foods I was eating (things in a box or a can, frozen etc.), and started eating more raw/whole foods.  Organic when I could.  And I found that I wasn’t as hungry, which is probably why the weight loss happened ~ eating less.  😉  I lived that way for a couple of years and I did not sacrifice one ounce of the tasteful pleasure of eating yummy delicious food!

Well if it was all so great then why am I back here at square one again?  Probably due to the fact that I had a major life change and an upheaval of the entire world as I knew it, wanted comfort food (which for me was stuff out of a box), had financial restraints (healthy ‘real food’ is more expensive), and basically just got off track and fell back into some old bad eating habits.  In general, I’m not a very disciplined person so it wasn’t hard to do.

So now the weight has crept back up and I can tell my body isn’t feeling as healthy anymore, so onward I go to try once again.

Because my lifestyle has changed so much from what is was before, it feels like I’m entering a foreign unknown territory and starting completely from scratch.  Hope I’m up to it!  Wish me luck!

Ding!  Perfect timing!  The timer has sounded and my mac & cheese in the oven is done!  I can’t wait to taste some of it’s cheesy deliciousness!

In a reasonable portion of course!  😉


…and just because this song has been in my head the entire time I’ve been writing this…

2 responses to “A Fixation With Food

  1. Is your mind on a direct link with mine at the moment or are we sharing a brain wave? I have been doing the same things for several years now. (i.e. the way I eat and such as that) Yes, I have fallen off the “wagon” so to speak and for one of my new changes this year I was going to climb back on the little red four wheeled baby and see where it takes me. Oh and I made homemade, from scratch mac-n-cheese last night. 😉 Just wondering if my Muse is playing around in your head too? LOL


    • Haha I just heard a Star Trek quote in my head when I read your first sentence! My sis and I joke all the time about the “Volcan mind-meld” because her and I often think so much alike. Star Trek… geez I’m such a nerd! I wish you much luck climbing back into your own “little red four wheeled baby!” That’s so funny you made homemade mac & cheese last night ~ maybe your Muse whispered the idea in my ear… 😉


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