Weekly Photo Challenge: Zigzag

I thought I’d participate in this week’s photo challenge since I just came across an interesting zigzag myself while out on one of my bike rides along the Mississippi River the other day…


It was noon on a bright sunny day, so I knew if I took a photo would end up being a bit over exposed, but this was such a wonderful little hidden path I’d found, I just had to try anyway.  😀

Sometimes as we travel along our way in life, we find our path has become a bit zigzaggy and may feel lost or frustrated.  But take heart… sometimes that twisting, winding road can lead to a beautiful place!  ❤



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

24 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Zigzag

  1. Fantastic shot!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  2. Glad you’re still getting use of that bike! Life does get zigzaggy indeed!


  3. Oh! 🙂 Lovely! 🙂 Lovely! 🙂 Looovelyyyy!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


  4. A bridge like that just begs to be explored.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like the way the plants are growing over the fences 🙂


  6. To zigzags that lead to wonderful adventures and discoveries! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love that. Life is indeed a zig zaggy path! Beautiful photo. I find myself intrigued by the banks of the mighty Mississippi!


    • Thanks Trisha. That it is! Mine zigzagged into a huge puddle underneath the kitchen sink yesterday with no clue how it got there. Or how long it had been there ~ it was horribly rancid. Blech! That was one “twisting, winding road” that did not lead to a beautiful place, at all. 😉


  8. I love paths that have surprise destinations…Great photo.


  9. I ride the Mississippi, too! Beautiful place:-)…how interesting to meet someone that rides the Mississippi. I ride the Great River Trail from early spring to late fall and sometimes late winter if the weather permits:-)


  10. The zigzags of life and a hidden path … I can relate to them both 🙂
    Thank you Julie!


  11. Your words are just so true Julie – where would we be without a bit of ziggy zaggy!! 🙂


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