Ardent Color


Ardent color blazing bright

Vibrant and alive

Kissed by autumn’s brilliant light.


© Julie Rehnelt 2014




I drive past this gorgeous tree at a local park in my neighborhood quite frequently as I am out and about, and yesterday I decided to finally pull over and try to take a photo of it.  I wish so much that I could capture how truly stunning it really is.  One day I’ll have a camera with the ability to snap photos of things like this and do them better justice.  But anyway, this is a huge tree and it really stands out from all of the rest with its brilliant array of colors, the depth of it is absolutely amazing!

It reminds me of tie-dye!  😀


May your world be alive with color today, and with…



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

30 responses to “Ardent Color

  1. What a fabulous specimen; and a wonderful capture too Julie.

    Hariod. ❤


    • I wish you could see it in person Hariod, a literal feast for the eyes that feeds the soul! Hope you’re feeling better, I’m sending warm thoughts your way… ❤


  2. A tree of beauty…


  3. What a gorgeous tree. The camera never captures the total beauty 🙂


  4. That tree is just magnificent!! 🙂 🙂 I want to sit under it and look at the leaves 🙂


  5. You captured it just fine Julie, in words and picture, and I understand about wanting a good camera to capture more details and beauty! I borrowed a good camera last fall to shoot the glories of fall. The album is on my FB page if you’re interested.

    I love your phrase kissed by light. Much like my poem yesterday. XD


    • Thanks Brad! 🙂 My camera takes lovely close-ups, but seems to lose its depth on farther away shots. Of course it doesn’t help that I snapped it in the bright sunlight, but man was it ever dazzling! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow! That is gorgeous…


  7. Stunning tree and you captured it brilliantly Julie! 🙂


  8. Wow! That is one gorgeous tree!


  9. Love the colors in this tree. Great shot.


  10. I think you did great–it’s beautiful!


  11. Absolutely stunning Photo Julie. Love how vivid that tree is. Perfect time of year to capture this.


  12. Stunningly beautiful. It makes my heart sing! Ain’t nature grand? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. There’s this charming little restaurant in Paris called Le Buisson Ardent. That’s what I thought of when I saw this lovely tree blazing with color. Just beautiful!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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