What the Hail?!

Late yesterday afternoon I was sitting out on the patio having a chat on the phone with my sister, when the sky became very dark, and began to rumble.  I love thunder and don’t get nervous when a storm approaches.  In fact, I usually get really excited.  As many of you already know, I’m forever in awe of nature, and that includes severe weather – as long as there’s no real immanent danger. From what I had heard about the weather forecast, there was a chance of rain for the day, but there was certainly not any severe weather expected, so when I heard the rumbling I wasn’t the least bit concerned, and I commented to my sister how lovely the sound of the thunder was.

But then came another sound, one I had never heard before.  It’s hard to describe what kind of sound it even was.  It was like the wind, but at that moment there wasn’t any wind.  It may have sounded a bit like a train or an airplane or something, all I know is that it was weird and really loud.  Suddenly all my senses peaked, I got up and quickly made my way toward the door to get into house, as I said to my sister “Oh my gosh, what is that?”  “What is what?” she asked. “That sound, there’s a weird sound” I said as I opened the door to go inside.  When suddenly there was a huge gust of wind and the door flew out of my grasp, slamming against the handrail with such force that it broke the wrought iron rail free from its concrete base.  As I got inside and turned around struggling to pull the door to a close, I saw the lilac bushes along our driveway swirling around in a circular pattern and I said  “Oh my gosh, is this a tornado?”   Then instantly, gigantic golf ball sized hail started pounding down from sky, and it hadn’t even rained yet.  Just BAM, hail!   I’ve never seen such large hail in all my life, and began envisioning windows breaking and glass shattering everywhere, so I motioned to my mom and my daughter to get down to the basement.  My mom, who is always on alert during storms, had already grabbed her purse, my daughter grabbed her dog, and then one of our cats.  All I had was the phone in my hand, with my poor sister on the other end listening helplessly to the scene as it unfolded.  And it was quite terrifying.  Later she told me how surreal it was listening to me being so frightened, and how she didn’t like it.  I’m the calm one, you see.  Usually.  I think I still remained pretty calm, but I was definitely afraid.

When we came up from the basement, both my daughter and I grabbed our cameras and we all went outside to check things out.   Thankfully, there was no serious damage.  But look at the massive size of this hail…


Maybe it’s more of a ping pong ball size, than golf ball, but still… look at it, it’s freaking huge!

And look at our poor Rhododendron with all its lovely blossoms plastered to the ground…


When earlier it looked like this…


And I had captured this…


Their blooming time is already so brief, so it’s sad to have it cut even shorter, but I’m glad I had the chance to enjoy them while they were here.

The lilacs took a bit of a beating as well, as did the apple blossoms, but thankfully they’re both still pretty much intact, and I’ll be able to continue to enjoy them.  I’m especially happy about the lilacs because they are truly one of my most favorites of springtime, and even though my poem yesterday was about making love under the apple blossoms, it was actually the heady scent of lilacs in the evening air that inspired it.  Among other things, of course.  😉

Anyway, that hail storm was really unbelievable, the hail was so big, and there was so much of it, that it looked as if it had snowed.


There is a really big mess of debris out in the yard today from it too.  Which I should really get off this computer and go and clean up now.  But I’m very thankful that mess is only aftermath I have to deal with after such a frightening event.


And that I still have some of my most favorite spring blossoms to enjoy…



Hope you have some of your favorite things to enjoy today too!



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

54 responses to “What the Hail?!

  1. My goodness, how scary! I’m glad you’re all okay, aside from your poor flowers. What a thing that must have been to see! I can’t imagine hail that big. It’s good you were so close to the house. Could you imagine one of those hail stones bouncing off your skull. Ouch! I hope your plants all spring back quickly.

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    • It was really scary, and I’m not one to panic from storms. I think it was because it came on so unexpectedly, and that sound really freaked me out, I still don’t know what it was. Omygosh, I know, that would seriously hurt to be hit by hail like that, I’m glad I got inside before it started pounding down from the sky! Thanks Trisha, all my plants look okay out there, well, except for the rhododendron, and I worked too hard on the clean up so I’m sort of exhausted and in pain at the moment, but it sure smelled good while I was working. Heavenly lilacs…


  2. That is just amazing! I’ve heard people say “hail the size of golf balls” but those really are!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow those are some big hails!! glad you are all safe 🙂 Beautiful flowers though it was sad to see it splatter on the grass ( it was still very pretty against the green) I bet it smelled wonderful though! Stay safe and many blessings to you my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, gigantic hails! Thanks Neha, I’m glad we are too! 🙂 I raked up all those splattered blooms earlier, I didn’t notice any scent, but oh the lilacs… those smelled absolutely delicious while I was out there working! ❤

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  4. That is some seriously big hail. I’m glad the damage was minimal. I enjoy weather too, though we seem to be getting more extreme and erratic weather patterns. 😦 Your bushes were certainly full of beautiful blossoms. Thanks for sharing your passion for nature Julie. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seriously big! Thanks Brad, I’m glad the damage was minimal as well, and I’m a bit surprised that it was. I know what you mean, the weather has been getting more extreme and erratic lately. This was so odd because ordinarily storms have a process they go through as they come on, but this hail just dropped from the sky out of the blue, I had only just heard a bit of thunder, and it hadn’t even rained yet, then BAM! It was really scary, but also a bit exciting at the same time. 😉

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  5. That is serious hail!

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  6. Wow!!! So glad you’re all ok!! I love a good storm, too, but certainly not one like that!!! Did you find out if there was actually a tornado in your area?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Dorinda! No, I didn’t find out, oddly there wasn’t much on the news about it. I should have sent them my photos, hail that big dropping out of the sky on a day when there’s only a chance of rain seems like news worth reporting to me.

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  7. That’s horrendous!

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  8. u were so very wise to take cover! glad to hear you guys are safe & sound!!!

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  9. Hail storms and tornadoes are common here. I’m guessing they’re not common there.
    That’s the kind of hail that can really do some damage. I’m sorry for your beautiful blooms, but glad you all had shelter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We get our share of hail and tornadoes here, it’s just that I’ve never experienced it like this before nor seen hail that huge. Oh I know, I’ve had major damage done to my homes, cars, and gardens from storms past, and I’m so thankful this one didn’t do any real damage. It wasn’t real fun cleaning it all up today, though it did smell divine out there with the lilacs. Thanks Joey, I’m glad too! 🙂


  10. Wow, extreme weather is so scary. Those are huge hail stones.How are your vehicles? My nephew’s truck got dinged pretty badly from hail, but the insurance wouldn’t cover it as it was an ‘act of God’ – go figure.
    Shame about your rhodo, I hate seeing damage to a newly emerging garden, but at least you still have the lilac to look forward to. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is! And especially when it comes on so unexpectedly like that. Thankfully all of our vehicles look just fine. Sorry to hear about your nephew’s insurance coverage issues, isn’t that ‘what the hail’ insurance is supposed to be for?! Criminy!
      Oh yes the lilacs…. it smelled amazing out there today while I was cleaning up – it almost made the work bearable. 😉

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  11. Wow. I haven’t seen hail like that since I was a child in Ohio during storms that turned into near tornados. Very scary. Glad you are safe.

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  12. How very frightening for you all. Very glad you are all safe and damage is minimal. I have seen some big hail here but nothing as in your picture. That will live on in your memory for a long long time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was quite frightening, which was new to me since I’m not usually afraid of storms, but that hail was really something else, and so was that sound I heard. Thanks so much, I’m very glad we are too! And I’m also very grateful that my lilacs didn’t get ruined and are still out there blooming in all of their amazingness, scenting the air with their heavenly fragrance. It’s coming in through the windows right now. ❤
      Thanks for stopping by Krys, hope you have a lovely evening – or day, depending on which it is when you read this. 🙂


  13. Oh, how frightening! Glad it wasn’t more serious…but sad for your Rhoda!!

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    • It was pretty frightening! Thanks Lorrie, I’m glad it wasn’t too! It is sad for the rhododendron – this year it had the most blooms its ever had, it was just magnificent. I am really happy for the lilacs though, I love those even more! 🙂

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      • I seem to stay south longer and longer, which means I completely miss my crocus, daffodils, tulips, weeping cherry tree, dogwood tree, and rhoda! I can’t complain as I live in a beautiful place, but all of the above has a special place in my heart. Have a blessed day!! ♡

        Liked by 1 person

      • I would miss my spring blooms too. Thanks Lorrie, hope you have a blessed day too! ❤

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  14. Good gosh, Julie! I’m glad all of you are safe, but your sister had to have been pretty freaked out listening to everything over the phone. We don’t get too much hail here, and not near the size of your hail!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lois, me too! Yeah my sister was pretty freaked out listening to it all while on the phone, and I think more so because of my reaction – I’m usually so nonchalant about storms and severe weather, but this one actually scared me, it came on so sudden. You guys have hurricanes down there though don’t you? That’s much scarier!


  15. Oh, my goodness even I have never seen that huge hail!!! I am so happy you went inside so that you didn’t get hurt! Extreme weather is frightening!
    But, this may not be the right thing to say, but I just adore that photo with all the flowers on the ground, it is so beautiful and melancholic at the same time, like lavender flower-tears that has become spring-blossom-snow! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me either Trini, it was unbelievable how huge it was! Thank you, I’m glad I went inside too. When I heard that strange sound, my senses instantly shifted into high gear and I just automatically and instinctively got up and started heading indoors. Normally I love storms, they’re so exciting and I’m never afraid that something bad will happen to me, but this one scared me.
      Oh, I totally agree, I think it’s lovely too when flower petals are on the ground like that, and I adore when it “rains/snows” flower petals, it’s so magical and fairy-like. 🙂 ❤


  16. Julie, I’m so glad that you, your family (& pets), and your garden are all okay. I’ve only experienced smaller hail storms (the size of peas at the most)—how scary that must have been for you all.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀

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    • Thanks so much, Wendy, I am too! Pea sized hail is what I am accustomed to as well, so the size of this stuff was just crazy to see, and frightening, I was afraid of the windows breaking. So thankful they didn’t, and that no real damage occurred from it.


  17. Sometimes it’s just plain stupid not to be frightened. And that was frightening. Sorry about you rhododendron. Jackie had the same experience in London on 1st May many years ago.

    Your writing about this is excellent

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha yes, I guess it is! It really was frightening. May is uncommon for this type of weather to occur here, we don’t usually have storms until well into the summer months, so it was pretty freaky.
      Thanks so much Derrick, I really appreciate that! 🙂

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  18. A dreich day here in Scotland…raining, but then we are used to that up here. No gardening getting done today, tho we did manage to get out and garden for an elderly couple yesterday and got it all looking tidy so they can sit back and enjoy it!
    After your cannonball hailstones, with sound effects to match!, hope your day will be bright and sunny. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah… I would so love to visit Scotland one day, rain or shine, I imagine it would be quite lovely. 🙂 So nice that you were able to get that garden looking all tidy for an elderly couple so they could just sit back and enjoy it. If I had the physical ability I would love to do that type of thing for others. Although, I guess in a way, even by just tending my own garden as I am able to, it helps others who happen to pass by enjoy a bit of beauty.
      Thank you, it is a bright and sunny morning here, just gorgeous, and I’m about to head out into it in just a little while. Hope you enjoy the rain you’re having and the greening it brings.


      • Scotland is indeed beautiful, especially the NW coastline, Inner and Outer Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, and Grampian and Cairngorm Mountains. Lots of ancient history! We managed to price up a tree felling job today…got acquainted with the hedges to be trimmed back, once the birds have finished nesting, later in the year, and that’s about it. I think making your own garden look beautiful will inspire folk as they walk by…it can only help lift their spirits…lots of greening and growing going on today. Glad your day was bright and sunny and thank you for the connection!

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  19. Jan's bulletin board

    Seems like you need a helmet as part of your gardening outfit! 😉

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  20. What you have described happens to us quite often… just the hail can be as big as tennis balls… so when we here the noise it is a rush to get vehicles under roof as it makes a vehicle look like someone has sat with a ball peen hammer and just beaten the hell out of your vehicle…
    Quite often windows don’t come through it so well with glass broken everywhere…

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    • Wow tennis balls?! Yikes! Now that’s some massive hail! How scary, Bulldog! I bet that would do a lot of damage. Jan mentioned in the comment above yours, the need for adding a helmet to my gardening attire, and it sounds as if that would be a good thing for you all to keep on hand if it hails like that there! I did notice a few small dents on the hoods of mine and my mom’s cars yesterday, but nothing worth getting upset over, for which I’m thankful.

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  21. I wait all year for the blooms of spring so I am always so disappointed by the damage done by storms like this…You handle it all with such grace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you mean. What’s hard for me is when a storm comes along and destroys my veggies. 😦 Thanks Charlie, thankfully there wasn’t too much damage from this one aside from the Rhododendron.


  22. It’s always a pleasure to read your posts, Julie! You’re not just a beautiful poet but also a great story teller. Btw, I have never seen so huge hail either. The title in your post made me smile.

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