Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitude


A solitary crow sulks on barren branches

on a gloomy morning without a sunrise


© Julie Rehnelt 2015



I had this one in my drafts from back in 2015, so it’s probably cheating a bit to use it for this week’s photo challenge, but it came to mind as I was out driving my mom to an appointment earlier this morning, because it’s very dreary weather here today.  Funny thing is, I rather like it.  The entire city is shrouded in a heavy mist, I love it.  So odd for February.

I’ve always thought of solitude as a state of being peaceful in aloneness, but in studying the definition a bit more,  I’m not so sure.  Some of the other words synonymous with solitude include –  emptiness, isolation, loneliness, and even quarantine, it’s not until way down the list that I see peace and quiet.  I guess it all depends on what one’s interpretation and perception of things are…


May you interpret and perceive today as being lovely



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1


WPC: solitude

17 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitude

  1. I like the feel of the photo Julie and agree that solitude can be positive or negative depending on my perspective! Mostly I enjoy solitude, especially in nature. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Brad. I enjoy solitude too, and find that spending time alone is essential for me in feeling a sense of balance in my life. It’s interesting that the word solitude is synonymous with the word emptiness, because when I spend time in solitude it actually ‘fills’ my cup.
      But then again, being with people also fills my cup, and sharing experiences together with others makes my life all that much more meaningful. I’m an extrovert and an introvert, so I guess I’m just a contradiction. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the photo and the little poem! ❤ I have always loved that word "solitude", for me it is a positive word, something to do with monks spending time in a sanctuary away from people. To me it means contemplation and reflection in a space where you are alone 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Trini, I’m so glad you liked them. 🙂
      It’s mostly a positive word for me too, like I said, I have always thought of it as a peaceful aloneness, and not so much as actual loneliness, but in reading the definitions of solitude it appeared that it mostly means the latter. Monks are some of the most peaceful people I can think of, so it would seem that solitude does in essence promote a sense of peace. 🙂


  3. “May you perceive today as being lovely””~ what a beautiful thing to write and it is so true that each person must choose how to perceive the world around him/her.
    I rather like the quote,
    “Two men looked out through prison bars,
    One saw mud and the other saw stars”
    The author of that quote is unknown but there is such wisdom there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, yes, it really is so true. And wow that quote really gets down to the point about one’s perception. I think for me, it would be that on some days I see the mud and on other days I see the stars, but probably mostly the stars.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It was warm and gray and misty here, too. I thought of a few pictures I’d taken, so there’s no cheating in memory 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Here’s a wonderful quote I just read on another post about solitude. “Solitude is not the absence of Love, but its complement. Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life”. – Paulo Coelho

    The whole post is filled with great quotes and photos in case you’d like to visit. https://tinylessonsblog.com/2017/02/07/solitude-a-photographic-journey/

    Enjoy your solitude Julie!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Solitude: Pylons | What's (in) the picture?

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