Adventures in Gardening Part 30 ~ Bounty & Babysitting

At the end of my last gardening post I mentioned that I was getting ready to make some of my delicious refrigerator pickles from the bounty of cucumbers I am having.  Thought I’d share a photo that I took of them.  I don’t know about you, but not only is an ice cold drink refreshing on a hot summer day, but so are some tangy refrigerator pickles as well!The recipe I have used for years to make these is from the Kerr Kitchen Cookbook Home Canning and Freezing Guide because it’s quick, simple, and delicious!


I’m also looking forward to rustling up something yummy with my jalapeno peppers that are ready.  Take a look at these little beauties!I don’t have enough to make my jalapeno poppers with, but I have a couple other new recipes up my sleeve that I’m itching to try.  🙂


My tomatoes are finally starting to ripen.  It’s about freaking time!  Just starting to see a hint of orange on this one…Sadly, my tomatoes don’t seem to be doing all that well and I’m not sure why.  I knew I probably wasn’t going to get enough from only 2 plants to make my salsa with, but I had hoped I’d end up with more than what I’ve got so far.    😦


My one lone strawberry plant is really living up its name as “ever bearing” ~ it just keeps on going with its lovely little blossoms and sweet-tart berries.If I ever have enough room to plant more strawberry plants, this will definitely be the variety I will choose.


And speaking of “lovely little blossoms” here are some delicate lavender colored blossoms that are flowering on my mint plant.My mint had a rough start because the bugs were nibbling on it quite a bit, but it sure is looking happy now.  🙂


My sis is on vacation for 2 weeks and brought some of her outdoor plants over to my mom’s house for me to babysit while she’s gone.  She brought them over there because she figured it would be easier for me to take care of them while I’m outside at my mom’s tending to my garden, rather than for me to have to make an additional, separate stop at her place each day.  I say “the more, the merrier” and she can just keep them all there permanently for me to enjoy!  😉

She brought over a hanging flower basket that her husband got for her that has such a bright, pretty assortment of colors.~

And some weird looking plant called Horehound that she says she’s going to make her own cough remedy with.  My sis likes to imagine herself as a mad scientist sometimes.  😉~

This is some mystery plant she got from a neighbor who brought it from Brazil.~

Hmm… these 2 mints of hers very well might be all snipped naked by the time she gets home because they want to become tea for me.  😉~

And I’m totally loving these gorgeous Gazanias of hers too…~

See what I mean?  Can’t blame me for wanting to keep all of these!  There are a few other randoms that she brought over as well, along with a couple of things that I even re-potted for her because I’m such a wonderful little sister.  I haven’t even stolen anything out of her closet when I’ve stopped over there to bring in her mail.  😉

~Gardening is my therapy~

14 responses to “Adventures in Gardening Part 30 ~ Bounty & Babysitting

  1. hi Julie~ 😛
    great sister you are~our tomato plant is huge but no blooms yet.
    We have some bell peppers but too small. Everything else is beautiful~
    Those petunias are gorgeous~we always have one or two of them as well.
    love & hugs sweetie pie~


    • Hi Patty. 🙂
      Thanks, I try. 😉 Glad to hear your tomatoes and peppers are coming along. I agree those petunias are really gorgeous. I wasn’t able to plant many flowers, so I am really enjoying having my sis’s here to tend to.


  2. Such a good sister, so proud that you have not stolen anything… yet. 😉 Garden fruits look amazing and those flowers are so beautiful, I am so jealous, we are too hot for us to have anything. 😦 I will just continue to live vicariously through you. 😀


    • Well she is gone for another whole week so I may yet help myself to something out of her closet. 😉 Besides, I’m pretty sure she has my birthday present hiding in there somewhere. 🙂 Sorry it’s so hot down there. It is up here too, but nothing like what you have. I’m finding myself feeling a little anxious for fall already…


  3. Julie, you are a gardening wizard! This post looks like it came from the set of a Harry Potter movie 🙂 And those pickles…mmm…stop making me so hungry!


  4. Can’t wait to see what you do with your peppers! Just look at all that mint. Have something I am going to try with mine soon. 😉
    I just love the pink strawberry flower. It’s so pretty.
    Woohoo! Almost tomato time. Couldn’t come soon enough!

    I have always wanted to make Horehound candy. My Gran and Grandpa used to eat it all the time. I finally found a recipe from a Pioneer Village book. One day…
    My ‘to do’ list is getting a bit more than I can handle. 😦


  5. Beautiful photos, as always. Yet my eye is somehow drawn to the eighth one. Hmmmm. A “mystery plant” from Brazil, you say?

    By the way, did I ever tell you I work for the DEA? Anyway, I’ve dispatched my team to check things out; don’t be alarmed by that sound of that helicopter you’re hearing overhead, or that large spotlight that’s illuminating your garden as you read this. Hang on, I should have their report momentarily….

    Good news, our ace botanist has determined that it’s a hybrid of a Brazilian pepper plant. Thank you for your cooperation, you’re now free to resume your normal gardening and blogging activities…. 🙂


  6. Hi Jewels. I have nominated you for some cool blogging awards. They are lovely and inspirational because you are lovely and inspirational. You don’t need to do anything with these nominations if you don’t want to, but it’s a great way to share your favourite blogs and get others to see yours. There are few things you need to do so please check out my blog (or for what you are actually supposed to do check out the people who nominated me!) Thanks for sharing your world with the rest of the world. Cheers Sarah the Gardener : o )


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