Down Autumn’s Road





Reflection and rest

are just a few of the pleasures one finds

while traveling down autumn’s road.


© Julie Rehnelt 2014



It’s been a cold, rainy start to the month of October here in Minnesota.  Can’t say I haven’t still been thoroughly enjoying it though.  After the hot summer, the moisture along with the cooler temps of autmun are a welcome relief to me, and I love the cozy feeling it gives me.  😀

I’ve pretty much had candles lit around the house continuously all week, filling the air with the delicious scents of vanilla, pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, cranberry, and spice.  Mmm…

I’ve made up my bed with soft, luscious fleece sheets, put on my fuzzy socks, bundled myself up in comfy flannel, and have been enjoying sipping on various hot drinks.  I’ve got the urge to bake something, but so far have just been relaxing.  And reflecting.

Gosh, I do so adore this time of year!  All my senses are heightened and I’ve got that warm, romantic feeling.  ❤


Whatever the weather where you are, may your day be filled with the beauty and comforting pleasures of autumn’s road too.  And with…

✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

41 responses to “Down Autumn’s Road

  1. Oh, it all sounds so cozy!! 🙂 Apple, cinnamon, candles……I want to be there now!! 🙂 And to me enya’s music also belongs to autumn! 🙂
    Especially this one:

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, and I also love your poem, I like the comfort-part the best! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds fun Julie. I love how you cozy up to autumn. Great photo and colors too. Today is our first cool day 🙂


    • I’m enjoying it very much! 🙂
      Thanks Brad, that photo was taken in the autumn of 2012 and there’s some disagreement between my daughter and I who actually snapped it, as we were sharing a camera (hers) that day, so being unsure, I couldn’t put my name to it. 😉 The colors aren’t quite to that point yet so far this fall, but soon…
      And how are you liking the first cool day there? Hope you’re cozying up to it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This sounds so wonderful. We are going to have temps in the 6o’s tonight and in the 40’s on Monday! 🙂 No flannel sheets for FL, though.. 😦


  5. I love just walking down a path to see where it takes me…Great photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I looooove putting out all the scented candles this time of year. And I can’t wait to start baking and cooking soups and casseroles. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, autumn paths and cool days are great for outdoor exercise, and it’s always nice to come back to a cozy house with comforting scents and hot drinks. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love Autumn’s Road, especially that one in the photo! I would love to stroll down that path! I’m glad you’re enjoying the cozy days indoors. We’re having sunny weather here so I’m enjoying the sunny mornings but it still doesn’t feel like candle burning weather yet. Enjoy a warm and cozy weekend!


    • I really have been enjoying these cozy, rainy days indoors. Of course… I don’t want them to last too long, because I also wanna be outdoors as much as I can during this most beautiful of seasons. So glad you’re having some nice sunny weather there Trisha, and hope you have a wonderful weekend too! 🙂


  9. Sincerely Leslie

    Wow what wonderful, cozy, reflective weather you are having. Anything with apple and cinnamon is always fantastic 🙂 Enjoy snuggle time and thank you for sharing your amazing autumn weather!



  10. Autumn is the best time of the year!


  11. and there I thought we were about to hear of a magnificent cake being baked,,,

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I would love to meander down that road and see and feel the beauty of it all!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Got down to 40 last night–out of nowhere, mind. No frost on the pumpkins but first hint that we’re getting there! Stay warm!!!


    • I believe it got down to the low 30’s here last night, I haven’t been out to check my garden yet, but I’m fairly certain most of it will be wilted. It’s okay though, I’m ready to put my garden to rest. 🙂


  14. What are the red trees Julie? They look like our Schumach tree which has been beautiful and has only just lost its leaves. 🙂


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