Autumn Joy



Brilliant colors

Fresh crisp air

Sunny blue skies

A walk in the woods

The scent of dried leaves

and the sound of them crunching beneath my feet

Wearing soft flannel


Spiced pumpkin chai tea


And did I mention the brilliant colors?  😉


This is autumn joy!




I really hope you don’t tire of all my autumn ramblings, because I honestly can’t help myself!



May your day be filled with joy, and with…



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

27 responses to “Autumn Joy

  1. No, please keep the autumn ramblings coming! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These colors are stunning as well as your words. Thank you SO much for the pleasure. Love, Amy

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Julie, there’s absolutely no danger of me tiring of your autumn ramblings. It’s my favourite time of year and your words and photography are a constant joy to behold. I have a Tulip tree in my front garden here in England, the leaves of which turn to a dazzling yellowy tone at this time, and so it is that I often think of you when I see it.

    Hariod. ❤


    • Oh good, I’m so glad to hear that Hariod, I know we both share a love for autumn! ❤
      I've never seen a Tulip tree before. With a name like that, I bet it's lovely, I'll have to google it and see. 😉 My sister had trees that they called Tulip trees when she lived in Seattle, but I don't know if that was their proper name, I think it was a type of magnolia.
      The peak time of our autumn color has now passed, but there are still lots of beautiful trees remaining, hope you've still got some there too! 😀


  4. Thank you, Jewels. Love these words so much. Want to be there with you!


    • I’m so glad you liked it Kim! 🙂 Many blessings and autumn joys to you! Hope your little Doodle dog is doing well. ❤


      • Your ‘path’ was so lovely written, Jewels, it took me right along with you. Thank you so much for your comment and “Doodle” wishes. He goes off to the surgeon today, so we’ll hear what he has to say. Crossing our fingers. Much love to you. XO

        Liked by 1 person

  5. lovely, your ramblings make me smile 🙂


  6. I love the pairing of your image and words…Special and well done.


  7. Keep on! I love it.


  8. now I also want to have spiced pumpkin chai tea!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Ive never tasted anything with pumpkin in it, especially not tea! 🙂 🙂
    and I will never get tired if autumn joy!! 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤


  9. I love your autumn ramblings! Keep ’em coming!


  10. Keep them coming!
    It doesn’t get much better than this….
    Until it does 😉


    • Although we’re past peak now for fall color here, there’s still lots of beautiful autumnness happening here, so I’ll keep them coming! 😀
      It really doesn’t get much better than this… Until it does. Haha! x

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Who could tire of the ramblings and colours of Jewels….?? Not I…. this once again, …. beautiful…


  12. don’t ever stop talking about the beauty of autumn, lol. this season is absolutely magical to me and I’m always excited to hear (and see) others’ excitement. and the photo is amazing!! 🎃 🎃


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