Monthly Archives: November 2017

Fire in the Sky

Sky on fire

a new day dawns

burning with possibilities


© Julie Rehnelt 2017


Each morning when I arrive at work and pull into my space in the upper level of the parking ramp, I get to watch just as the sun comes up.  Even amidst the concrete and all of the other uninspiring man-made objects of the landscape before me, its beauty takes my breath away…


Wishing you beautiful and breathtaking moments today…

And for those of you here with me in the US, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving too!



✿~Peace & Love~✿

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Music Monday


A beautiful original piece by my daughter…



It’s been several years since she’s done anything with her music, so listening to this makes me feel a bit melancholy.  But some beautiful things have happened in our lives since then – my precious granddaughter for one!  So that touch of melancholy is also mingled with deep gratitude…


Thanks for listening, have a beautiful Monday!



✿~Peace & Love~✿

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“We are mosaics-

pieces of light, love, history, stars-

glued together

with magic and music and words.”

~ Anita Krizzan


I came across the above quote the other day while out shopping with my daughter and granddaughter and it brought tears to my eyes.  I don’t know why, but it just really struck a chord.

I’ve been running a bit on empty these days, working at two different jobs and only having one day off per week.  But I have found a few moments here and there along the way to fill my tank.  Coming across this quote was one of them, it stopped me right in my tracks  – I don’t ever want to get so busy that I lose sight of what a miraculous gift life truly is…  Every. Single. Breath…

Wishing you moments of beauty, awareness and discovery as you go through this day…




✿~Peace & Love~✿

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Wordless Wednesday




✿~Peace & Love~✿

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