Mandala Monday ~ Hidden Falls

Originally I didn’t have a mandala to share for today’s Mandala Monday, but then I made this yesterday while out on a hike with my sister and thought I’d share…

If it looks crooked, that’s because it is.  🙃  The only reason I made a mandala on this stump was because it had a hole in it and for some reason I got the urge to arrange leaves around the hole…

But then I felt like it needed a leaf in its center and found a lovely red oak to place there.  It’s nothing fancy, but it was fun making it.

We had a great time on our little hike. We went to Nerstrand State Park, about an hour away from the city, and hiked the short trail to Hidden Falls…

It’s not a very tall waterfall, but it was flowing real nicely and looked lovely with all the autumn beauty around it.  The tree stump where I made the mandala was right next to the falls up at the top just to the left of the photo.  I made it as we were leaving the falls area.

It was snowing off and on during our hike and got quite chilly at times. I think the temp was around 38 – 40.  We both wore 2 jackets, but only I was wise enough to had remembered gloves. 😉 My sister resembled a creature walking with her hiking poles which were stuffed up into the sleeves of her jacket to help keep her hands covered. I snapped this picture of her as she went to investigate whether or not there was a way through a certain area to pick up another trail…

“Ancient astronaut theorists say ‘no’” was her answer hahahaha!  😂 I love my sister!

Here are a few other photos I snapped along the way…

Some areas of the park were a bit past peak for fall color, while others were still going strong or just starting.  Either way, it was lovely  – despite the cool temps and the periodic snow.

The sun is shining brightly this morning and for that I’m grateful.  Hope you find things to be grateful for today too!  Happy Mandala Monday, wishing you a wonderful week ahead!



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

22 responses to “Mandala Monday ~ Hidden Falls

  1. Thank you, for sharing all this beauty with us!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I agree with Annette. I’m glad you shared this beautiful taste of autumn with us. And glad you both managed to enjoy even with the cool temps and snow spritzing. Thanks Julie. Magnificent Monday Mandala Musings. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Love seeing your mandalas and how great you made one ‘on the trail’ for others to find. 🙂 A bit of a raw day, but the foliage colors made it worth the journey, I expect. I’d be craving a hot cup of tea and a treat afterwards. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    • It was extra fun making it on the trail for others to discover! Hopefully it lasted long enough through the wind – I would think the wetness from the snow helped. 😉 Yes, the beautiful fall colors were definitely worth braving the cold! Some hot tea and a treat would have been perfect! I made due with an apple and some nuts though. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh the yellows!
    I love all your mandalas, fall no less 🙂
    Ancient astronaut theorists always say yes! LOL

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Thanks for sharing a picture of that gorgeous waterfall. Those Fall colors are beautiful. Fall colors have not happened here in central Arkansas yet.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. You worked well with the available material

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Derrick! There were many more things I could have collected from the forest floor to add to it, but this was such a spontaneous little act that I suddenly had the urge to do only while in that moment, so I just collected what was in the immediate vicinity of the tree stump, snapped a few photos, and then continued on our hike. But now that I’ve done this, I feel like I would like to perhaps plan to create a mandala while on other hikes in the future. I sort of like the idea of leaving it behind for others to discover. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Wow, you have so much beautiful fall color there! We just have dabs here and there amongst the evergreens. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. A lovely walk and your mandala is pretty – it looks like a green man.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great series of photos, Julie, and a mandala for the season ~ perfect. Also, gotta like siblings as it makes the teasing of “but only I was wise enough to had remembered gloves. ” so much more enjoyable 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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