All Good Things Must Come to an End…

One of those “things” being my garden.

I’ve never really liked that saying, and I don’t even believe it to be true.  Although, I suppose I must concede that there is a beginning as well as an end to all things.  Did I basically just contradict myself there?  Haha!  Oh well, I can say whatever I want.  Okay, let me rephrase… I don’t want to believe that all good things must come to an end.  😉

The entire growing season has been so weird this year, and it’s been hard to plan anything.  It’s November 4th and I’ve still got things growing out there, but with the temps continually dropping and the threat of snow in the forecast for this week, I figured I better get out there and put all of my garden stuff to bed for the winter.

But it’s hard when there’s still life happening out there.  Mainly, it’s my herbs that are still thriving.  They’re so lovely and aromatic, I hate the thought of yanking them out before their time.  I’ve got most of them growing in pots and so I got to thinking maybe I would bring them inside and try to keep them alive over the winter.  I’ve never done that before so it will be an experiment.  I like experiments.  Mwahahaha!  Besides what is there to lose, they would have died out in the cold anyway, at least this way I’m giving them a fighting chance.

There aren’t a lot of suitable spaces inside the house for bringing in a bunch of plants, but I cleared off a ledge along the basement stairway that may work out.  There’s a south facing window that brings in a lot of light, though not direct sunlight, but I don’t think they need direct sunlight when wintering them over.  I actually have no clue about that really, because I must confess that I haven’t read up on it.  At all.  Guess I should do that.  😉

Anyway, yesterday I brought in several of my pots and set them along that ledge.  I may also put up some sort of temporary makeshift shelving too, if I’m feeling particularly industrious later on.  But doing this has got me thinking that if I am able to winter them over and they do happen to survive, I may want to set up something more permanent for this type of thing in the future.

It has also got me thinking that I may need to invest in some more houseplants to enjoy during the winter.  I have a few, but not enough of them to satisfy my need for being around the lush green and growing things.  Oddly, although I have a green thumb in gardening, when it comes to houseplants… not so much, I often inadvertently kill them.  I’m not sure why that is.  Maybe I won’t be able to keep my herbs alive after all…

But here’s hoping!  😀

I was outside for hours yesterday tending to things in and around my garden.  It was supposed to be nice out, but it got super windy as the day went on, and that wind was blustery and cold.  {{{brrrr}}}

I gave all the plants I was bringing inside a good shaving.  I really hope I didn’t over-do it, they all look so sad now.  😦

My lemon thyme…


It’s such a sad looking little spud, but I’m going to use its fresh clippings to try out a recipe I found online for lemon thyme bars.  I love lemon!


And here’s my sad looking chocolate mint…


I’m going to dry the clippings from this and use them for tea.  I’m also going to dry the clippings I snipped from my peppermint and spearmint plants to use for tea as well.  I do love me some mint tea!  ♥


Speaking of what I love… I also snipped two of my lavender plants to bring inside, the wonderful aroma was pure bliss!  I really hope they survive.  Gosh I wish lavender would grow as a perennial here…

If this project works out, I maybe consider growing all of my herbs in pots so that I can bring them inside over the winter.  Just look at how lovely the oregano that I planted inside my vegetable garden area still is…


I considered digging this up yesterday and putting it into a pot so that I could bring it inside too, but I thought that would stress the poor thing out so much that it would be a lost cause anyway.  Besides that ledge in the basement will only fit so many pots as it is at the moment without any shelves.


I also don’t have enough room to bring in this berries and cream mint that I planted in with my peas…


But I may go out there and snip some of it so I can dry it out for yet more tea.  😉


That is, if I can get out there before it snows.  I’m really not ready for snow…

And neither are the trees.  As of the other day when I snapped this photo, you can see that there’s still lots of colorful leaves on the trees…


Although they may have blown off now with that wind we had yesterday.


I guess all good things really must come to an end, whether I want to believe it or not.  But you know what?  Life is a endless circle, and so with every ending comes a new beginning.  And with that new beginning, there will most certainly be more “good things” to enjoy.   And I really do believe that.  😀

Peace & love…


~Gardening is my therapy~

13 responses to “All Good Things Must Come to an End…

  1. Beautiful colors:)


  2. I have a rosemary plant that I have brought in for two years now. It does real good during the winter and gets new growth all winter long. I do have a south facing window that is great for plants and is were I start all my veggies in February. I think all your herbs will do fine without direct sun light in your stairwell this winter as long as there is good light.. You can always buy a grow light and keep them in the basement with a timer on the light. That way you have place to do your plant starts too.


    • I have some lovely rosemary out there too, but like my oregano it’s not in a pot and is planted directly in the ground. I wish I had more room on the ledge so I could bring everything in! 😉 Do you trim your rosemary plant back too then when you bring it inside? A grow light with a timer is a great idea and something I may look into for the future, because there really isn’t a nice sunny south facing window where I get direct sunlight and could set up an area for any plant starts. But if I did something like that I probably wouldn’t set it up on the basement ledge along the stairway, it isn’t especially handy ~ or safe really for that matter, I’d have to find somewhere else. What would be really amazing to have is a greenhouse. Hah! One can dream…


  3. Love that underside shot of the leaves–beautiful! Now, about your herbs, etc. I just went through the exact same issue this weekend. Decided to cover everything with that cloth you use when you seed your lawn (the whatchamacalit–lawn cloth?! 😉 ) and hope to eke a few more weeks/months out of some of the perennial herbs. It did not occur to me to bring them inside & probably just as well because I can’t be around to water them all the time. If you’ve got perennial herbs, they will just go dormant & come back in the spring. I don’t know what your ag zone is out there but we are around 6A now & my tarragon, chives, mint & rosemary overwinter just fine. I covered the carrots & fingers crossed will be able to pull some next month… Now you just put up your feet & rest up for next planting season, hear? 🙂


    • Thanks Lori, it was quite beautiful standing underneath that tree! I’m in zone 3-4 so only the hardiest of plants survive the winters here. For herbs, it’s basically either bring them inside or send them to an untimely death. Dun dun dunnn…

      Putting up my feet and resting up for the next planting season sounds great, if only I could still have some growing things around me whilst I do that I’d be all set! Good luck with your plantings under the whatchmacalit cloth, I’m all for extending the growing season as long as possible! 😀


  4. Hi Julie, Good idea to bring some of the garden inside during the winter and I really hope it works out for you!! Before we know it the little bulbs will be sprouting, in fact, Mum said today that some of my crocuses are already shooting. It really never does end 🙂 🙂


    • Hi Ruth, thanks, I hope so too! 🙂 What fun for you to have spring bulbs sprouting up in the fall!! I recently noticed a couple of bulbs shooting up from my little grow pot that I bought last spring (Remember when springtime was taking an agonizingly long time to arrive?) Well, when the blooms faded I had set the pot outside, intending to plant the bulbs from it into the flower bed, but I never got around to it, and here they are now popping up. Silly things are confused! I brought that pot inside too and hope they’ll continue to sprout so I can be enjoying them while there’s snow outside. 😀 Much love to you Ruth, hope you’re off to a wonderful start of the week.x


  5. I dunno where you live, but my lavender lives outside as a perennial in central Indiana….
    I found this one

    And then I wanted to tell you that a great way to save your herbs is to freeze them into water in ice cube trays. you can save ALL the herbs you have now, and thaw them as needed over the winter.

    Here, we can get away with a few more weeks, by throwing some burlap or sheets over them.

    Anyway, good luck for wintering 🙂


    • I’m in Minnesota, a tad bit colder climate than Indiana. I’ve heard that lavender can sometimes possibly be grown here as a perennial, but heck if it ever did for me when I’ve tried in the past. And with a lavender addiction such as mine… believe me I’ve tried. 😉 Hey, thanks for the link, I appreciate that since I haven’t read up on my little wintering experiment here, I’ll be sure to check it out. Nifty trick with the ice cube trays, wish I would have heard about it sooner, I definitely would’ve tried that with some of my basil. Unfortunately, the basil isn’t one of my herbs still out there thriving, it shriveled up and died a couple weeks ago when the overnight temps got down in the 20’s. I dry out most of my herbs, but I love fresh basil. 🙂


  6. No Julie, I don’t trim my rosemary plant when I bring it in. The only time I trim it is when we cut it to use it on roasted chicken or put it in our dumplings for chicken and dumplings. Its a big pot and we use it all the time in lots of different dishes. We also love the way it makes the area smell where it is located in the house.


    • Okay thanks, Gordon. I ended up going out there yesterday and digging up both my rosemary and oregano and put them into pots so I could bring them inside. I did trim them both down though, so hopefully they do alright. I know what you mean about the smell, I may not cook much with rosemary, but I love the scent of it. I may have to move it to somewhere other than the basement stairway so I can enjoy it a bit better. 🙂


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