Rollin’ on the River

 I got the new bike I was dreaming about that I shared with you in my post:  Let it Ride, and it’s like peddling on a cloud!  I can’t even tell you what a difference it makes on my knees, and it’s so unbelievably comfortable, I feel I could ride it across the entire country!  Well… as long as I didn’t have to go up any hills.  😉

I thought I loved riding a bicycle before, but this new bike has multiplied that love by ten thousand!  I’m so very thankful to my family for pulling the funds together as an early birthday gift and helping me get it!  ❤

I went online and printed up a few biking trail maps, in addition to reading tons of information on bicycling in Minneapolis.  Apparently, Minneapolis was ranked #2 as one of the best biking cities by Bicycling Magazine, and is 4th in the nation.  I’d say my odds are great for being able to get around in the city on my bicycle, and I’ve already been out exploring and having wonderful time!

I’m especially excited about finding a few paths along the Mississippi River where I don’t have to endure any significant hills or steep overpasses to go up to get to.  I mentioned before that I only live like 4 blocks from the  river, but that it’s a busy street that runs along on my side of it, well I found that with only spending just a short time riding on that busy street, I can get to some lovely trails along the river.


One area that is easy to get to is Boom Island Park, and on my very first day with my new bike I took a ride there with my daughter.  It was evening actually, when I snapped this photo of her with my cell phone as she was looking out at the river.  She loves the water as much as I do, and we have went to this same spot a number of times since that first day…



I also found another bike path along the river that’s a bit further away, which is nice when we want a longer ride.  I thought this train bridge was kinda cool looking, so I stopped one day while we were riding past and snapped a photo of it…



Much of the time it’s evening when we go out bike riding, it’s nice then because there’s less traffic and cooler temps.  Although this sunset isn’t anything extraordinary, it was a lovely ending to our ride before we headed home…



Home…  a view across the river of downtown Minneapolis.  Not the best view of our city’s skyline, but it was fun to happen upon this little opening between the trees to sneak peek at the city, and I love the way the buildings reflect on the water…



I also love the beauty of nature that is all around the city, especially along the river.  On the path that runs along that train bridge, I came across a little cluster of milkweed growing, it smelled amazing on the breeze as I rode by, and when I saw the monarchs fluttering around amidst it, I stopped and tried to take a photo, but it was too far away to get a decent shot.  Still pretty though.  🙂




I’m so enjoying these bike rides rollin’ on the river, but I’ve also been rollin’ other places on my bike too.  Like running short errands to the Post Office and to the Co-op.   On Sunday when my sister was here, we all rode our bikes to the Open Streets event in the neighborhood, and that was a fun experience.  I think I’ll make the next errand on my bike to the library.  On our rides back and forth to Boom Island, I noticed there is a library located in the old Grain Belt Brewery building, it looks pretty cool and I’m excited to check it out!  😀


I hope there are exciting things in store for you too!  Happy Monday and may this week be a wonderful one!


✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

36 responses to “Rollin’ on the River

  1. that is a nice pic of the sunset. i think you’ve got the lighting just right. plus, the shimmering effect on the water. 🙂


  2. Congrats Julie! Your new bike seems to have opened up a whole new level of fun and adventure. I love getting around on foot and bike. It feels much more peaceful, grounding and connecting. Looks like a great area for biking and lovely photos too. Ride on! 🙂


  3. Glad you got your new Bike Jules.

    Peace and love.



  4. What a great post Julie. Firstly, really lovely pics of the sunset by the water, but really interesting for me to hear about where you live – quite amazed by the photo of Minneapolis, not sure what I expected! Many cities with a river really benefit from nature along it.
    Have fun on your bike, especially with your daughter, & look forward to more adventures on it.


    • Thanks so much, Lorna! I’m only recently back living in the city since my divorce, and it’s taken a while getting used to it after living out in the country for so many years. It’s been quite an adjustment, but I’m discovering new things and seeing lots of changes from when I grew up here so long ago, and I can honestly say… I’m kinda liking it. 😀


  5. So happy for you with your new bike 🙂 I have been managing with borrowed bikes and various city bike schemes for a long time now but I would so love to have my own…. Happy cycling x


  6. Wow Julie, you sure do have a way of capturing the beauty of Minnesota. And you’re right–the bike paths in Minneapolis are awesome! They don’t have anything like that down here in Oklahoma 😦 I’m glad the new bike is working out for you!


    • Thanks Simon, Minnesota really is such a lovely state, and I’m enjoying rediscovering city-living since moving back down here, a lot has changed since growing up. I suppose I’ve changed a lot as well. 😉
      Yes, oh man I love my new bike, and I foresee many new and interesting adventures on it ahead! 😀


  7. Wonderful! I’m so glad you got it, and are enjoying it! Great photos, as always!


  8. downtown Minneapolis looks beautiful. Great pictures, Julie, and so happy you got your bike!!


  9. Sounds amazing. I love biking as well. I hope you have many grand adventures on your new bike.


    • It’s been a lot of fun! Biking really is great isn’t it? And for me now with this new bike, it’s even better! Thanks so much, I hope to have many grand adventures on it too! 🙂


  10. Jewels you sure sound like a kid with a new toy and that I think is brilliant… maybe you can build stamina to take on a ride like in my last post… I think this is brilliant to read your excitement…


  11. Wonderful Julie and good to think of you out there ‘Rolling Along!’ Take care too! 🙂


  12. Hooray! I’m so glad you got your bike and that you’re enjoying it so much. Your shots from the river banks are beautiful! I grew up along a river and these shots make me miss it. I could ride down to our nearest river but I could never make it back up! Enjoy rollin’ on the river!


    • Thanks Trisha, I know, I’m so happy and thankful to have gotten it! My family rocks! ❤
      I don't always like how my scenery shots turn out, they never really look how I'm actually seeing it in person. It is really beautiful along the river. 🙂 We moved here when I was 11 and I loved having the river so nearby growing up, but gosh I did some stupid things ~ like climbing underneath the train bridge and jumping off into the river. I've been telling my daughter stories on our bike rides about all of the idiot stuff I did around here as a kid. Glad she's more cautious (smarter) than I was. 😉


  13. i’ll have to add boom island to my ever-growing list of places to bike 🙂 gorgeous photos 🙂


  14. That’s great you got the bike, Julie! I believe it’s generally best not to scrimp on health and fitness because when we do, it doesn’t really save anything — we just end up with more expenses later for health care, plus all the physical discomfort that could have been avoided.


  15. Bravo! Mark Twain also enjoyed the Mississippi River not only for its flowing waters but also for the spirit and the heritage it offers folks lucky enough to live within its influence. Thanks for sharing this jewel of an article.


    • Thanks so much Gerry, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I grew up here and spent many a summer days along the banks (and in) the Mississippi River. As an adult it feels very different, but I’m enjoying it so much and looking forward to all that it has to offer in the days ahead! 🙂


  16. Pingback: Birthday Roses, Painted Toeses and Cakes That Sometimes Flop | Ramblings From Jewels

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