Kindness is a Beautiful Thing


This is one of those videos that I just had to share here on my blog.  It struck such a chord with me, what a beautiful thing, left me in tears this morning…

This precious man, who knows what his real story may be?  But he is one of us. As we go along our way each day, may we always be aware of the precious individuals that are all around us in this vast sea of humanity, and reach out with love, kindness, and compassion in whatever ways we can…



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

20 responses to “Kindness is a Beautiful Thing

  1. Jan's bulletin board

    So true! The world needs more understanding, more compassion, more kindness. And less greed, hate and competition…


  2. What a beautiful and compassionate act from the students. Kindness rocks! Thanks for sharing this Julie! It could be one of my Awesome Stories. 🙂


    • It really was just such a beautiful way in which they reached out to that man, and helped those around him be more aware. Music is a wonderful, powerful thing. And I love when they finished how the drummer simply said “Well, thanks for the bucket, Have a good day!” 😀


  3. What a brilliant share Jewels … brilliant…


  4. That really is a beautiful thing.


  5. So nice and feeling … When you find the kind of things happened 🙂


  6. How amazing, thank you for sharing. I wish I could “like” this a hundred times!


  7. Giving is so beautiful; it always moves me greatly too.

    Utterly charming video.

    Many thanks, Hariod.


    • It really is beautiful, and I love the creative way those students chose to give. Music is a universal language everyone speaks. 🙂
      So glad you liked it, Hariod. x


  8. That was very beautiful 🙂


  9. Pingback: Awesome Stories 185 | writing to freedom

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