Let Your Love-Light Shine Through


Illuminate the darkness

let your love-light shine through

to those who may be lost

wandering the forest alongside you.


© Julie Rehnelt 2014




✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

16 responses to “Let Your Love-Light Shine Through

  1. Reblogged this on Mon site officiel / My official website and commented:
    So beautiful


  2. Here’s another thing we apparently have in common: I also love the sight of sun rays shining through the trees! Great poem too – a very lovely post.


    • I love that we have these things in common! 😀
      I know, there’s just something so magical about the sunlight flickering through the leaves of the trees. I only wish my camera could have truly captured what I was seeing when I snapped this. Thanks so much Trisha, hope you’re doing well! ❤


  3. Peace and love to you Jewels…


  4. Thanks for shining your light with inspiring words and photos Julie. 🙂 I too have tried to capture that magic light filtering through trees. Maybe it’s camera shy. XD


    • Thanks so much Brad, that really means a lot! ❤
      Haha maybe it is camera shy! Besides having the right type of camera or lens, there's gotta be a trick to capturing shots like that. I may look into finding that out, because so often as I'm riding my bike along the river, it's late in the day when the sun is shining through the trees along the banks and it's so beautiful, I'd love to be able to capture it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Its what we love and what we do Julie ❤
    Val x


  6. Your love-light certainly shines through, Val! x ❤


  7. Thanks for this inspiration.


  8. Beautiful to see the dappled sunlight through the trees, Julie, such a wonderful sight! 🙂


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