Snowy Sunday

This morning I awoke, went downstairs to put on some coffee, and opened the front blinds to this…

Oooo so pretty!!!  Truly a winter wonderland!  It had rained last night before the snow began, so the snow had frozen to all the tree branches.  It was glorious!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty much feeling as done with winter as everyone else around here, and eager for spring to come, but it’s hard not to come alive with excitement when winter puts on such a magical show.  This photo doesn’t do justice to how lovely a scene it was.

Out every window was a beautiful sight.  Then I looked out my back door at this…

That’s when reality started sinking in… I was going to have to clear away all that snow.  And it was HEAVY!  But coffee first!  😉

As I was getting all bundled up to head outside, I decided not to get right to work.  I think that’s been my problem.  Well, not a “problem” so to speak, but I’ve been on “survival mode” all winter (I’ve kind of had to be) and haven’t taken as much time as I normally would to be out in it and just enjoy the beauty of it.  I do love the snow…

Usually I’m one of the first ones out there and my neighbor always comes out with his snowblower to snowblow his measly 5 feet of sidewalk just as I’m finishing up.  But this morning, he came out around the same time as me, and as I was digging out my car, he did this…

I live on a corner and the side of the house is the longest area of sidewalk for me to shovel.  I want to say it’s like 50 feet, but I’m not sure, I could be exaggerating a bit.  Anyways, this was a TREMENDOUS help to me, like oh my gosh you guys, I’m so grateful!  Thanks so much, Bill!


I need a snowblower…


After digging my car out and shoveling my driveway, I decided to take a little walk down the street before starting on the front sidewalk.  The sun was up and the clouds had parted to heavenly blue skies.  With the snow on all the tree branches it was so gorgeous…


For some reason, I just kept walking.  Probably because it was just so magical, everywhere I looked was absolutely beautiful.  I purposely kept my phone in my pocket, I knew I couldn’t truly capture the beauty I was seeing anyway, and I just wanted to savor it.  Eventually, I got to the river and came upon an old train bridge and took out my phone to snap a picture…

I used to jump from that bridge into the river as a kid.  What a dummy haha!  As I stood there enjoying the sight (and the childhood memories), a beautiful male cardinal came to serenade me.  His bright red feathers, a brilliant contrast against the snowy branches, his song such a delight to hear.  It felt like a gift just for me.  ❤


Going for this little walk was just what I needed on this snowy Sunday.  And it was much more fun than shoveling.  😉


Although, I do love “Limey” my little lime green shovel…

He’s gotten me through a lot this winter.  🙂


I’m off to run errands now with my Seester.  Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday, or whatever day it happens to be when you read this.  Wishing you beauty and joy!





✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

30 responses to “Snowy Sunday

  1. And what a beautiful gift to you it was Jewels from a loving Heavenly Father 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful snow–we had a few inches here near Woodstock NY overnight, on top of what’s been on the ground for a couple of months. It’s been a lovely winter–

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a marvel to wake up to! Add unexpected kindness and a spontaneous stroll, and I tell ya, Jewels, that is the beginning of a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

    Survival mode is an excellent way to describe how I’ve been functioning through what I would call a good case of the winter blahs. I still love me some winter, but this one has been harder for multiple reasons. I love the way you wrote that. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a great way to put it – it was a marvel to wake up to! 😊

      Sorry to hear you’ve been on survival mode too this winter, Joey. Mine hasn’t been the blahs as much as it’s been just so physically exhausting – I swear I shoveled nearly every day during the entire month of February, and not just piddly amounts. I mean, I’m truly grateful I’ve had the ability to do so, but man it’s really been alawt! Whew! Hopefully spring finds us both soon! Have a good week Joey! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a magical morning to wake up to. Thank you for sharing Julie 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A cardinal means a loved one is visiting from above to let you know they’re doing fine. The scene you’ve captured is so beautiful. It snowed here, too, but 60’s by the end of the week!! Could it possibly mean…no, not going to jinx it. lol. Thanks for sharing your wonderland, Julie! Many blessings, my friend ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve never heard that about cardinals, I love the thought of that! ❤ Wow 60’s for you by the end of the week?! Nice! Sounds like spring! 😊 We have rain in our forecast off and on all week. And with all the snow still on the ground here, I don’t know where the rain is going to drain off to. Many streets are already flooded just from the snow melting. I have a small “lake” at the bottom of my driveway already. Fun times haha! Many blessings to you too my friend! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Very beautiful winter / snow photos. Thank You.

    Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You do find beauty in it

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It really is a winter wonderland and I am so glad that you went out and enjoyed it all before the shovelling chores. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. How nice of your neighbor to help out! Thanks for the beautiful pictures. Loveliness. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a beautiful collection of surprises for your Sunday Julie! Snow, walking, reveling in the beauty, help from your neighbor, and remembering to play along the way. Kudos on your wonderful attitude. And thanks for sharing some winter wonder for those of us in snowless climates. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Gorgeous PICS. Rather keep it as that, only PICS and let me enjoy the Florida sunshine

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a beautiful day that was – thanks for sharing it. Yes, you do need a snowblower, given the winters you get. I can’t imagine doing our house without ours. They are on sale now or try Craig’s List. Tracking ones are easier to steer. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • It really was, Eliza! Yes, I do need a snowblower. We’ve had someone else clearing the snow for us for the past several years, so we haven’t needed one. I thought too that they might be on sale now. What is a “tracking” one?


      • Rather than wheels, which make turning harder, they have caterpillar tracks (like a snowmobile) and turn easily. Ariens is a good brand and you’ll need at least 8 hp. Or just keep paying kids to do the job! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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