Feeling Squirrely

No, it’s not me that’s feeling squirrely, although I have been known to act that way from time to time.  😉

I discovered a new little squirrel friend frolicking in the branches of the tree outside my bedroom window this morning.  And I had a wonderful time watching him and trying to photograph him as he scampered about the branches.

He was being a bit camera shy and elusive at first, when I caught this little “on the look-out” shot of him.  He blends in well with the tree here, and did a pretty good job at trying to be incognito.



And he also appears to possess first-rate aerobatics skills…



Here I caught him as he was sitting up on his hind legs with his front ones tucked against his chest.  I like how he has his head tilted a bit off to the side, shyly looking my direction with his one eye.  So sweet.


But now that I think of it, he sort of looks like he’s begging here.  Well, I’m not falling for his cuteness, and if he sticks around, he darn well better keep his grubby little paws away from my veggies this summer!  I certainly don’t want a repeat of my “Adventures in Gardening Part 21 ~ That Thieving Squirrel: The Epic Battle Continues…”


This is my favorite one that I took of him, snapped just before he scurried away.



Although my little visitor this morning wasn’t agitated like the squirrel in this video, this was the sound he was making while I was photographing him, so I’m thinking he must really dislike his picture being taken.  Or maybe he was just feeling squirrely…  😉


8 responses to “Feeling Squirrely

  1. Really great pictures! He’s a very photogenic squirrel.


  2. Your photos are great fun, thank you for sharing.


  3. Lovely Julie! Reminded me of my little squirrel 🙂


    • Thanks Ruth! 🙂 Did you have a little squirrel?


      • Yes, I have one that scampers in and digs up the bulbs and moves them around! I love seeing him/her convert our order to a bit of chaos – ‘my’ garden is their world after all! x


      • Ah they’re so cute and fun to watch! You’re right it really is their world, but it still frustrates me when they mess with mine. 😉 I may have to look into types of squirrel deterrents now that I’m living here and will be dealing with them in my garden. Harmless deterrents, of course. I was even thinking it might work to put a squirrel type of feeder in the actual tree, it’s quite a ways away from my garden and might keep them fed there instead of them getting into my garden goodies. Back when I lived in the country we did that with the deer and it seemed to help a great deal, so maybe it would work with squirrels too. I’ll have to look into it. It would be nice to be able to live in peace with them and not have anymore frustrating “epic battles.” Although, those battles do make for a great story… ;)x


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