Feeling a Bit Like Alexander

It started last night, I went to bed with a troubled heart and upsetting thoughts rolling around in my head.  I tossed and turned all night and woke up feeling horrible.  Physically and mentally.

But in always trying to do my best each day to find joy in the simple things, to be grateful, and to keep a positive outlook on things, before I got out of bed I tried to shift my way of thinking to notice and appreciate the beautiful sunlight flickering in through my windows.  Then, hearing me stirring, my cat came to greet me, I let my fingers sink into her soft fur, and thought about what a little delightful and comforting blessing she is to me.

But as soon as my feet touched the floor and pain shot through me, a cascade of negative thoughts poured in, and all that had been troubling me the night before came flooding back into my mind.  As I went about my morning routine, I tried to get a grip on the direction of my thoughts, determined to make it a good day.  But then I stepped in cat poop.  Or vomit, it was hard to tell.  (I’m sure it was one of the other cats’ dirty deed, and not my sweet blessing Baby that had come in to greet me just moments earlier).  I cleaned it up and went to pour myself a cup of coffee, only to discover I was out of coffee cream.  So disappointing.   Nothing can ruin my morning more than not being able to enjoy my coffee.  😦

It was basically all downhill from there.

I’ll spare you from reading about all the petty, annoying little things that continued on from there.  But it was funny because gradually verses from the children’s book “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” began running through my mind.  I worked in a school library for 11 years and had listened to that story being read to the children many, many times over the years.  I could possibly even recite it myself verbatim.  Almost.

It’s a cute story, and can be used as a good spring board for discussions with children about when things just aren’t going right, and how important having a good attitude is.  For us adults as well.  😉

I found it on YouTube and thought I’d share…

“Some days are just like that.  Even in Australia.”


It’s still early here, so I’m not giving up on trying to make the best of it today.  I have a million and one things to do as I’m leaving for a mini vacation tomorrow, but I made an appointment to have my hair done ~ getting pampered is always therapeutic.  And I think I’ll stop at Caribou on the way and treat myself to a cup of my favorite coffee drink to make up for the coffee I missed out on this morning.  😀

I hope your day is filled with good things…

12 responses to “Feeling a Bit Like Alexander

  1. I hope you have a nice day, despite the bad start! And enjoy your mini break!! 🙂 Hugs & positive thoughts from Calee


    • Thanks so much Calee, I did have a nice rest of the day yesterday ~ my hair looks fabulous and my Caribou was delicious (way better than the coffee I could have made myself at home), and I’m excited to head off for my mini vacation of unknown adventures here in just a little while! I’m sure I’ll post all about it when I get back. 😀 Thanks for the hugs and positive thoughts, right back atcha! ♥


  2. I hope the rest of your day is 100% better than your morning was! 🙂


  3. Don’t forget to buy your coffee creamer today, you don’t want to start it all over again tomorrow. Enjoy your vacation, knowing I am going on vacation always makes me feel better.


  4. I don’t think there’s any recovering from stepping into cat business. It’s like, checkmate. Enjoy the vacation, and … watch your step.


  5. Hey Julie! I hope you’re all better now! I’m looking forward to reading more of your blogs now I’m back. You’re my nature fix! You love it as much as I do.


    • Hey Yaz! ♥ Yes, I’m better now, having a little vacation helped. 🙂 And I’m looking forward to reading about your Camino journey. I know I already told you this, but you were so much in my thoughts and I’m really excited to hear all about it!


  6. Hope that you have been having some better days since your post, Julie. Some days just go wrong. Hope that your mini trip is going well, though, and I look forward to some garden delights again soon…!. Much love xx


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