My Mom Can Beat Up Your Mom!

“My mom can beat up your mom” ~ a common phrase I remember from my childhood.  I’m not sure that I ever actually used it myself, but for some reason it came to mind today.  Maybe because I think my mom is the best!  ♥


When my mom turned 70, I gathered together an ENORMOUS collection of photographs from her life and scanned them all into a computer file to preserve them.

As her birthday gift, I put them all into chronological order (as best as I could) and used them to make a DVD slideshow documenting her life through the years.  I also used some very cool scrapbooking software to make a scrapbook and then printed it all up and put it into a handcrafted photo album for her.  It was a modern technology meets an old fashioned look at it’s finest.  And it was a LOT of work!  But she’s totally worth it! ♥

Well, in contemplating Mother’s Day this year I found myself looking back at that DVD and all of those photos.  And not only remembering all the work it was for me, but also thoroughly enjoying taking a look again at all those special moments of her life.

So for Mother’s Day, please allow me to share a few of my favorite photos of this wonderful woman who is my mom.  It’s sooo hard to narrow it down to just a few!

First, some oldies…

I absolutely ADORE this one!  I believe it was from someone’s wedding that she was a bridesmaid in.  My dad kept this photo in his wallet for many years and I can see why… love the pose, love the dress, love the shoes, love the worn out faded color of this photograph… love my gorgeous mom!~

Another old one that I love!  My handsome parents at some dinner celebration taking place in and around the time of their marriage…~

I have always thought my mom looked so pretty in this one ~ with her dark hair and dark eyes, wearing this black dress.  These kids in the photo with her are my brother and sister.  This was taken before I burst out onto the scene and made the world a brighter place!  😉~

Here I am!  Although, way after my initial “bursting.”  Weirdly, there aren’t a whole lot of photos of me and my mom from when I was a kid.  Certainly none that would be considered my favorites.  This is my mom and I on my wedding day.  Even though the marriage failed, the memories of this day are still very dear to my heart.  And look at how lovely we looked, all dressed up and fancy like…~

Yep, she’s gonna love me showing this one!  😉  One of her less flattering photos, but definitely one of my favorites!  Classic mom face!  Oh, and that’s my punk nephew peeking in there from the side…~

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love, love, love this one!  Omygosh it rocks my socks right off!  This was taken during a road trip that we took several years ago.  It was at one of those “trading post” type of places that we happened to come across along on our travels.  This is my daughter putting my mom in stocks.  My mom gets a bit out of hand sometimes and needs to be restrained…~

A  favorite photo of mine of my precious parents ~ from a day spent at my brother’s house during some happy times for our family…~

Mom relaxing along the shores of Lake Superior.  This was taken on my last birthday this past August when we spent the day in Duluth.  My favorite place in Minnesota… with my favorite people in the world ~ doesn’t get much better than that!~

And here is the follow-up companion shot to the photo above.  My Mom insisted on rinsing our cake forks in the lake, and for some reason we all just found that beyond hilarious (drunk on angel food cake maybe?), so I took a picture of her washing our forks while I laughed so hard that tears ran down my face and I needed my inhaler afterward.  Wonderful memories. ♥  Hey, at 75… my mom still has a pretty nice looking rear end don’t ya think?  😉~

I could just “end” with that.  Literally.  😉  But I’ll share this last one.  It’s not actually one of my favorites, but it is the most recent.  It was taken this past November on my mom’s 75th birthday.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again ~ this world has been a better place for the last quarter of a century because this woman is in it…~

Happy Mother’s Day to my precious momma.  I couldn’t ask for a better mom, and I’m so very thankful that you are mine!  ♥

I am also thankful to be a mom myself to a beautiful, amazing, and wonderful daughter.  Being her mom has been one of my life’s greatest blessings! ♥


8 responses to “My Mom Can Beat Up Your Mom!

  1. Now I feel like I know her! Thanks for sharing her with us! Has she forgiven you for the “lake” picture???


    • Thank you for letting me, and for taking the time to read this post about my dear momma. 🙂 Haha, yes she has forgiven me ~ she knew we were laughing hysterically at her expense, but was happy to provide us with the entertainment. She’s such a good sport. She’s the best! ♥


  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you and to your Beautiful Mom. She has got to be great, she has you, and that speaks louder than words.


  3. Reblogged this on Ramblings From Jewels and commented:

    In honor of my Mom’s birthday today, I thought I would reblog this post that I wrote about her for Mother’s Day. Love you mom! ♥


  4. What lovely memories you have shown us here Jewels, I hope she has a great birthday today.x


  5. Pingback: I Got It From My Mom… | Ramblings From Jewels

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