Daily Archives: October 1, 2012

Adventures in Gardening Part 35 ~ All Good Things Must Come to an End… But Not Yet!

First day of October and my tiny garden isn’t ready to call it quits just yet.  Soon, but not yet.

I still have my champ of a bell pepper hanging in there.  And it’s just about yellow enough to pick…~

It’s dipping down pretty chilly in the evenings though, so one night when the news was warning of frost and freezing temps, my sis came over and we covered it up with old sheets.  All cozy and tucked in for the night.  😉~

That same plant has a few other nice sized peppers growing on it too, but I doubt they’ll have the chance to turn yellow before the real cold weather comes.  So what, I’ll be more than happy to eat them green.  🙂


While my sis was over she gave her mint plants a “haircut.”  They look a bit sad all buzzed off, but she dehydrated the leaves and sometime soon we are going to sit down and enjoy some peppermint tea together.  I love peppermint tea!~

I was going to give them a bit more time, but then decided to go ahead and pull up my onions.  They didn’t get very big growing in the pot I had them in, so next year I’ll have to come up with another idea for what to plant them in.  They smell really good though and I’m sure they’ll be flavorful.  My sis didn’t like me leaving the smallest of the bunch out of the photo, so while I was snapping she took it and put it into the shot.  She said it would feel left out.  Yeah, because we all know that onions have feelings too.  😉 ~

I planted the Trumpet Vine that my dear friends in Kentucky sent me earlier this summer.  I wanted to wait until the weather got a bit cooler.  I think it’s happy in the spot I planted it and I hope it grows well there.  Thanks again Allan & Patty! ♥~

I have noticed that the Pineapple Sage I planted is flowering now, and the blooms are a really pretty bright red!  This is the first time I’ve grown it, so I had no idea what it would produce.~

Ya know… I love fall so much, but I also love the green and growing things, so I’m going to try to get as much enjoyment out of them as I possibly can before it all comes to an end.  With the leaves at peak right now, it’ll be soon…

~Gardening is my therapy~