Daily Archives: October 30, 2012

As I Look Outside My Window

As I look outside my window

the sun is shinning bright; greeting me with its cheerful golden rays of light, filling me with hope as I start my day.

As I look outside my window

the sky is a blissful blue; puffy clouds float slowly by on the breeze in no hurry, gently reminding me to slow down, calming my anxious thoughts.

As I look outside my window

my eyes stray a bit; for just this side of the glass lays a big, soft, round ball of fur, my sweet kitten curled up napping in her new favorite spot, the perfect picture of contentment.

As I look outside my window

the leaves are turning brown; a squirrel hastily collects them in its tiny paws and scampers off to the hole in my tree it has chosen as its cozy winter haven.

As I look outside my window

a brilliant burst of color captures my attention; a striking red cardinal unexpectedly alights on a branch, dazzling me with its splendor.

As I look outside my window

cars are passing by; I wonder about the drivers, who they are, where they are off to, are they happy, are they in pain as they travel along this road to their various places?  I say a little prayer for them as I head out into the world outside my window to travel that same road.

As I look outside my window

the day has turned to night; the moon now shines in place of the sun, glowing with its comforting light, filling me with gratitude for another day of life.

© Julie Rehnelt 2012
