Sunday Meditations

I awoke this morning feeling very unsettled.  Almost instantly, my mind began swimming around in the thick murky waters of worry and dread.  This doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

As I went through the motions of my regular waking routine – put coffee on, feed cats etc., I could feel my thoughts going over to the ‘dark side of the force,’ churning and mulling over all of the ‘what if’ scenarios of calamity and destruction.  Like I said, this doesn’t happen very often, I normally wake up feeling quite peaceful and content, so that was a bit alarming to me too because it made me wonder if maybe I was psychically picking up on some real and actual impending doom – I’m forever over-spiritualizing everything.  But then rationality kicked in and I was able to calm myself.

I took a deep breath, poured my coffee, and headed back into my bedroom for my other ‘regular waking routine.’  I don’t know if I’ve shared this here before, but every morning shortly after I wake up, I spend about an hour in prayer and meditation.  The first thing I do is light an incense match, and as it burns, I speak only of all of the things that I am thankful for.  Then I take it one step further and write down one of those things in a special journal I have.  And I meditate on that one thing, breathing in and out, allowing that full sense of gratitude to wash over me.  Then I spend some time just looking out the window, watching the sun come up while I’m sipping on my coffee.  Then I pray, and listen.  I also spend time reading out of a little daily devotional book entitled “Jesus Calling,” it’s sooooo good, and it sets me exactly right every time.  Interestingly, I happened to read the wrong day’s meditation today, but it was so spot on with what was happening with my thoughts earlier this morning, the first sentence said… “Trust and thankfulness will get you safely through this day…”  The thankfulness part is no problem, but sometimes I struggle a bit with the trust part.

What was happening with my thoughts when I first awoke was that I was worrying about the future.  Something had happened the night before that frightened me a bit, and I was getting all up in my head about all of the potential ‘what ifs’ of the future.  Look out, it’s a trap!  Staying in the present moment is so key, and I know this, I practice this, but I still find myself going around and around in my head about things sometimes.  The reason it’s so key for me to stay in the present moment is because that is where I find, well, sooo many things, but here today it’s where I find the ‘trust’ part – when I focus on the present moment, I see that all is well.  All. Truly. Is. Well.  So I don’t need to worry.  And tomorrow… well, tomorrow isn’t come yet.  “Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.”

All I have to worry about is today, right now, this moment, and in this moment, I’m okay.

This is what I wrote in my gratitude journal this morning…


Today I am thankful for this present moment…

for the deep dark blue color that the sky is right now in this moment, and how beautiful it looks against the bare branches of my tree

for the rich flavor of my coffee

the warmth of the candle that is lit next to me, and its soothing light

for the sound of crows I can hear faintly cawing somewhere off in the distance

and the aroma of the incense I just burned a moment ago.

I’m thankful that in this present moment all is well

I am sheltered

I am fed

I am clothed

all of my five senses are functioning properly

and I am well.

In this present moment

and in the moments that have just passed as I wrote these words

I have everything I need

and so much more.

I have peace.


© Julie Rehnelt 2015


And I have pretty frost on my windows.






✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

27 responses to “Sunday Meditations

  1. Stay safe, Julie. You are surrounded by love. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing from your heart this morning Julie. I loved this post!
    Its so powerful to have a ritual that takes us to our middle ground and into the present moment….and also amazing how easily we can forget when our thinking takes us into “what if” anxieties.
    Your practice is lovely ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a beautiful post, and I love the things you share at the end that you are grateful for. What a beautiful way to start your day 🙂 Those dark thought come sometimes, for us all, but it sounds to me like you have some wonderful tools which help you to let them go again. Blessings, H xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for sharing your tender self with us today Julie. I often fall into worry, though I’ve been doing that less lately! I love your morning ritual with prayer and gratitude. Gratitude is much easier than trust for me too.

    May we remember to relax, center in the moment and trust. Hugs and blessings to you. Another lovely photo too! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This personal pattern or daily ritual reveals so much about you. It sounds like an excellent way to start your day. I find praying as I drive into work, calms me and does give me the reminder of who I am and how God loves me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It really is a wonderful way to start my day. 🙂 On mornings like this, maybe I should start out even before I go to put the coffee on, and save myself from having to go through what I did while my head was swimming with dread. Only thing is… my coffee is part of my meditation. 😉
      Praying on the drive in to work sounds like a great set up to the day as well, Robin, always good to remember who we are and how much God loves us… ❤
      Love this song by Jason Gray – Remind Me Who I Am


  6. These mood balloons come and go don’t they Julie? Quite what causes them to inflate, at times remains a mystery. Perhaps on this occasion there had been some forgotten dream that had set a tone upon awakening – who knows? I always find that just resting with the feelings, not pushing against them, nor indulging them, soon reveals what we know already, that all things must pass. H ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • That they do, Hariod. Good thing that my quiet time in the mornings acts like a pin that can sometimes help pop those balloons. 😉 I know what you mean about the possibility of a dream setting the tone upon awakening, that does happen to me on occasion. This morning I forced myself to awake from a dream, knowing I was dreaming, because I needed to use the bathroom. I’ve done that before, realized I was dreaming and forced myself to wake up (it’s especially handy when having a bad dream), but it was really weird how it happened this morning, and it was sort of jolt to my consciousness. But yeah, who knows? I too sometimes try to just let the feelings ‘be,’ but as I sensed my thoughts really spiraling downward, I had to shift gears. I’m grateful for the inner knowing/remembering to focus on the present moment to help bring me back from the brink, I’m feeling much more centered and grounded now. 🙂


  7. Wonderful post, Julie! So often your words overlay my thoughts like a transparent film. I tend to ‘over-spiritualize’, too, LOL. And today there was a a little ice fern on my window that looked very much like yours. Our souls must be operating in tandem. 😉 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jan's bulletin board

    Wise words, lovely routine!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Gratitude makes everything prettier!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m so glad your morning ritual brought you out of that unsettled place of worry. It’s such a horrible place to be. It’s weird how suddenly it can come on and start spiraling out of control. This post is confirmation of what the little voice in the back of my mind has been telling me: I need to resume a daily meditation practice. Thank you for sharing your experience! I hope your week is getting off to a peaceful, content start!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Trisha, I’m glad (and relieved) to be out of it too, it really is a horrible place to be. I hope you can find even a few moments of time each day to resume your own daily meditation practice, it goes without saying what a difference that makes! 🙂
      My week is off to a peaceful, content start, thanks so much, hope yours is off to a wonderful start as well! ❤


  11. Hi Julie, I hope you’re feeling happier this morning! I’m sending some love your way with a fun challenge. 🙂

    Spreading Love

    Liked by 1 person

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