Mandala Mondays

While I’m in this mode of incessantly painting mandalas, how do you guys feel about having mandala Mondays?  I could just post one mandala that I’ve made over the previous week or several, depending on how many I have and whether or not they’re worth sharing.  And it may or may not have any text depending on how wordy I’m feeling.  To be honest, I haven’t been feeling very wordy lately, which is probably why I haven’t been posting regularly for a while.  Anyway, here are a few I’ve painted recently…

I found some mini canvases at the art store that I can paint on in addition to the tiles, since I’m having such a hard time finding round rocks.  I also picked up some mini easels to display them on.  My brother-in-law had a liver transplant this past week and the morning of his transplant I woke up and felt the urge to paint spirals, so that’s what I’ve been doing a lot since then, this one is my favorite…

I like how each strand of the spiral goes from light to dark and vise versa depending on which direction your eyes follow it, and how the dots go from small to large to small again as the spiral itself continues to grow.  It makes me wish I had a bigger canvas. There’s definitely some symbolism and metaphors going on in there.

Although I’ve had a hard time finding round rocks,  I seem to have no trouble finding ones that I can paint hearts on.  I figure the universe must be trying to tell me something, so I’m just going to go with it.  Here is another heart-shaped one that I made, this time in purple, my favorite color…

I’m really happy with this one.  It’s a fairly small stone, so it was a bit difficult painting all those itty-bitty tiny dots, but it turned out so pretty, and it feels like me.  💜

This is a tile that I painted with the same colors of a rock that I did earlier on where I wanted to try to recreate the design on a tile, it ended up not looking anything like the original, but I really like the way it turned out…

Well that’s all I got for now on this Monday.  Thanks for letting me share.

We have our fourth of July holiday tomorrow here in the States, so I’m wishing all of you here with me in the US, a happy Independence Day.  🇱🇷 And I’m wishing the rest of you… a happy everything else day.




✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

18 responses to “Mandala Mondays

  1. I like the mandalas and am delighted that you’ve been inspired to create. I encourage you to create in any form that you want. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are WONDERFUL, Julie. And yes, ‘something’ is definitely moving through you as you go with the flow! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are so pretty, Julie. Do you draw the circles yourself? They are perfect! Yes, Mandala Monday is a great idea. Please do.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lois. 🙂 I paint the circles and dots myself using various tools and techniques that I learned in the class that I took. I am improving at getting them into more uniform sizes that I want them in, but they’re far from perfect, and if just one of them if off, it throws the entire mandala’s symmetry off. Luckily, their ‘busyness’ sort of disguises that. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jan's bulletin board

    Those mandalas are so beautiful! I am looking forward to seeing more of them! You are really good at this, Julie 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love them! Love that you’re painting them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Round rocks or not they are truly wonderful. I love all of them and Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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