M is for Mom

Back in the summer of 2012 when my daughter and I were preparing to move in with my mom after my divorce and my Dad’s passing in 2011, and the three of us were busy at work remodeling the upstairs bedrooms, we came across tons of old family heirlooms that have been stored here over the years.  I already love antiques, but it was extra cool to see antiques belonging to my own family.           (I wrote about it here:  https://ramblingsfromjewels.wordpress.com/2012/07/15/relocating-redecorating-readjustments-cool-old-stuff/)

While going through them all, I was thinking that it would be really nice if we could find a way to use or display some of them, rather than just pack them all away again somewhere.  Especially as we are combining our family once again, and now adding my daughter to the generations of my family that have lived in this house, it would be nice to do something special to symbolize that using some of these family heirlooms.  But in being so busy just trying to get the house ready for us to move in, that thought would have to be put on hold and revisited at a later time.  So we organized, labeled and boxed them all up, along with a few treasured items of my Dad’s, and stored them all in a special place down in the basement.

Now, two years later, and with Mother’s Day right around the corner, I got to thinking about all of the antique jewelry we had found back then, and remembered an idea I had seen online using vintage jewelry to create a plaque of the letter “M.”


I absolutely love this idea!  Wish I had come up with it myself.  😉

(If you click on the photo it will bring you to the Etsy shop of the person who I got the idea from.)


But I did expand a bit on the design concept with the one I created…


I mounted it on handmade paper, and the border you see around the edges is from some very old linoleum (early 1900’s) that we found adhered to my Mom’s bedroom floor when we tore out the carpeting in her room during the remodeling.  I thought it was so cool looking and saved pieces of it.


I wrote about it here:   https://ramblingsfromjewels.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/relocating-remodeling-readjustments-ceilings-and-carpets-and-floors-oh-my/


And because this particular vintage jewelry belonged to not only my Mom, but also her Mom, and both of her Grandmas, I wanted it to be protected under glass to keep it from collecting dust and also from deteriorating.  My sister and I went out together and found a great shadow box type of frame that worked perfectly for it!


Unfortunately, the glass is highly reflective, so getting a decent photo of it all finished was a bit of a challenge.  You’ll just have have to take my word for it that it looks gorgeous under there!  To make it even more special for my Mom, I also included one piece of my own jewelry and one piece of my sister’s.  ❤


Needless to say, when I gave this to her this morning, she loved it and we all had a good cry.  M is for Mom, but it’s also for Marie, Margaret and Mary ~ my Mom, her Mom, and one of her Grandma’s names, who’s jewelry this is.  So “M” represents them all.

Thanks so much for allowing me to share this with all of you!  Wherever you are, and whatever the day, may it be happy, beautiful and blessed!  🙂

We are heading out to breakfast and then off to garden nurseries for the day, as is our Mother’s Day tradition.  Hopefully the rain holds off…



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

29 responses to “M is for Mom

  1. Great post and THAT is a beautiful piece of art! 😀 Happy Mother’s Day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A happy mother’s day to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. well, of course, I had to go back and read all the other posts on your blog! I am a hardwood floor fan, but that linoleum–yeah, ‘supercool’ is what I would call it, also! The project turned out absolutely beautiful, and I love how the ‘M’ has multiple meanings. Happy Mother’s Day, Julie.


    • I love hardwood floors too, especially these old ones in my Mom’s house. I hope you saw the posts of the floors finished too, I nearly killed myself working on them… 😉
      Thanks Loisajay, it was a fun project to work on, and I was keenly aware as I was working on it of the treasured significance of the pieces I was using, it felt wonderful to do. ❤


  4. How lovely, what a great idea, to use up pieces hidden away and never seen…


  5. That. Is amazing. It makes me wish my name started with an M too.


  6. Beautiful! What a wonderful gift to treasure!


    • Thanks Joey! She really loves it, and it makes me wish I would have done something like this earlier, so she could have been enjoying that much longer. 🙂


  7. What a beautiful, meaningful gift! Now I am wishing we would have saved more of my grandma’s old jewelry and I’m thinking maybe I should visit Etsy and Pinterest more for cool ideas. Happy Mother’s Day to you and to your mom. And great job on the gift!


    • Thanks so much Trisha! It really is special to have these things of my Grandma’s and Great Grandma’s, my favorites are the exquisite little crocheted doilies that they made. Many of them are only partially completed, or finished, but not tied off at the end. It’s like they were having so much fun experimenting with a lot of different patterns and designs, that they went onto the next without finishing. My Mom says she remembers her Grandma always having something she was stitching in her hands.

      Etsy and Pinterest are wonderful sites, I originally found the “M” on Pinterest when I was looking at recycling and re-purposing ideas, I can’t enough of those things, and love to see all of the wonderful ways to up-cycle and reuse old stuff!

      We had a very nice Mother’s Day, thanks! Hope yours was nice too! ❤


  8. Crooked Tracks

    What a special piece of art, I love it, Happy Mothers Day 🙂


  9. I agree with everyone else’s comments. It’s a wonderful gift to give your mom for Mother’s Day with a lot of thought going into it. I’m sure she was thrilled with it. Wishing you a special Mom’s Day too! 🙂


    • Thanks Cher! I really enjoyed working on it, and she was thrilled with it! We both have that sentimental type of spirit, so it was a very meaningful thing for both of us. ❤ Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day with Matt, and I'm looking forward to our lunch on Wednesday! 🙂


  10. I love this idea.Looks like y’all did a great job on it. If you ever need a shadow box frame and can not find one.Take the back off a deeper picture frame and make a new back out of cardboard that attaches across the entire back and not down in the groove. We did this recently on one that we have not hung up yet.


  11. Oh Julie, what a lovely idea and the finished “M” is beautiful. A really special Mother’s Day present, I hope you had a wonderful day together.


    • Thanks so much, Lorna. It was a wonderful and meaningful project to work on, and my Mom absolutely loves it. ❤ We all had a very nice day together, and the rain held off so I was able to plant some of the things I picked up at the garden nursery ~ herbs mostly, and that was a real treat! My soul truly comes alive in the garden…


  12. What a beautiful piece of art and a lovely story.


  13. What a beautiful present! We are so blessed with our Mums. xxxx


    • Thanks so much Ruth, I really enjoyed making it for her. Yes, we truly are blessed with our Moms! Hope your Mom is doing alright, and that you are as well.xx ❤


  14. This was absolutely gorgeous, Jewel! I love that you took an idea and improved on it so much! The M initial with the family heirloom jewelry and then the extra bonus of the linoleum makes this a great framed memory ‘board’ or keepsake! Smiles, Robin


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