Daily Archives: June 2, 2014

Unwelcome Guest


Hideous and terrifying, my courage is put to the test

being in my garden in the company of this unwelcome guest.


© Julie Rehnelt 2014




I am so extremely terrified of spiders, it isn’t even funny, so taking this photo was no small feat for me.  And I surely put my humble little camera’s zooming capabilities to the test in trying to stand as far away as possible while taking it.  Not to mention my skin was crawling, my heart was racing, and I was shaking.

I know most spiders are harmless and are even beneficial in the garden, being the predators that they are of other insects.  But even so, I am scared to death of them, so that makes them unwelcome guests in my garden.

One time a spider had spun a magnificent web in my garden, it truly was a stunning piece of art, but it was right in the way of my being able to get to my cucumbers which were ready to harvest, so it couldn’t stay.  The only problem was that I am too frightened to go anywhere near spiders to do anything about it, so I called a friend of mine and she came over and rescued me from it.  Standing like twenty feet away (did I mention the “can’t go anywhere near” part?), I watched as she gently coaxed the spider onto a sheet of paper and then walked across the street and deposited it onto a bush.   Sharon = my hero!

The spider in the photo wasn’t “in” my garden, it was on a plant on my patio, so after taking its picture, I let it be.  But now I’m a bit paranoid, not knowing where it has gone, afraid that it’s lurking somewhere, watching me with its eight eyes, plotting my demise.

Spiders are so creepy…


~Gardening is my therapy~
