Daily Archives: June 19, 2014

Thundery Thursday

I awoke to the sound of thunder this morning.  Other than going to sleep to the sound of thunder, waking up to it is the next best thing, and I’m absolutely loving it!  ❤

It’s especially wonderful when one can still have the windows open during it all and get the full effect of all the sounds, and smells too.  😀

Well, on a rainy morning such as this, it seems like the perfect time to share a little update on my garden.  Everything is doing really well and I’m so delighted…


The peonies are nearing the end of their bloom time now, and especially after this heavy rain, I’m sure they’ll be completely done the next time I go out.  I wasn’t able to get a decent shot of them, because the lighting was never quite right whenever I thought of taking photos of them, but this one turned out nicely.  Even though it’s not completely opened yet…


These are right near our back door (which is the door we use most frequently) and the smell has been so lovely as we’re coming and going.

Another lovely going on in the garden are the irises.  I know I already shared a photo of them in a previous post, but I really like this one I took after the rain the other day…


Their pastel shade of bluish purple along with that touch of yellow captivates me!

And the bright yellow of whatever these are, charms me as well…


Is there any color more cheerful than yellow?!


My veggies are all growing great as well, but I haven’t taken many pictures of them.  I did snap this of my carrots though…


Is it just me, or do these look like totally happy little plants?!   🙂

And I also have this one of my beans…


No longer with only two little outstretched arms like I posted last time.  Soon they’ll be getting little blooms, and then beans, I can’t wait!

And speaking of little blooms, my jalapeno peppers have some…


Can’t wait to eat these either!

And already well into blooming ~ my tomatoes have tomatoes


These are a new variety I haven’t grown before, so I hope they do well as they continue to develop.  And that the squirrels leave them alone.


The squirrels seem to have calmed down with all of their digging around for buried treasure in my garden.  I haven’t seen them much at all lately, I’m not sure why, but we have bunnies everywhere!  I happened to capture this shot the other day as one was hopping around in the yard.  I love bunnies!  ❤


And they can’t reach any of my veggies in my high raised bed, so they’re welcome visitors to me!  😀


The bunnies are probably taking cover in their burrows in this thunderstorm, my kitty has ran in fear and hid under the bed several times already this morning.  But not me… I’m relishing every moment of this thundery Thursday!

Hope you’re enjoying your day too.  Peace and love to you…


~Gardening is my therapy~
