Lady in Blue


Lovely lady adorned in blue

how gracefully your petals unfurl

Empress of the garden reigning in beauty

the embodiment of elegance.


© Julie Rehnelt 2014



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1

19 responses to “Lady in Blue

  1. So beautiful. A friend gave me iris bulbs several years ago. I must have planted them upside down or something because not a single one bloomed! Boy, did I miss out. Lovely, Julie. Thanks so much for the share.


    • Thanks so much Loisajay! So sad they never bloomed. 😦 Maybe give it another try and plant some more, they’re definitely worth the effort, so lovely…


  2. Crooked Tracks

    Such a beautiful blue color. I like the details in your photo.


  3. lovely poem and flower. I love the phrase empress of the garden. May I be the prince of purple play? XD


  4. beautiful both the words and the flower 🙂 Such a lovely colour!


  5. What beauty Jewels… are these day lilies or iris?? Which ever truly beautiful…


  6. Julie, this is elegance excellently captured. The background is lovely too.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


  7. She is a lovely lady! That shade of blue is magnificent.


  8. Pingback: Thundery Thursday | Ramblings From Jewels

  9. So beautiful, hard to get a good shot of an Iris Julie! xx


  10. Jewels
    Wow, you blue lady is so beautiful!


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