Feelin’ Lucky!

You may know by now that I love nature, that tending a garden feeds not only my body, but also my soul.  You may know that I love taking photos at all the beauty I see around me, and that I sometimes express myself through poetry.

You may know that I love my kitties, that I’m close with my family, that I’ve dabbled in various home improvement projects, and sometimes have failed at it.

But what you may not know is that I absolutely love the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, and go there every year with my sister and my daughter.  I love that sense of stepping back in time, and I participate fully in the whole experience while I’m there ~ dressing up in a costume and such.  Yep… I’m a nerd, and I’ve chosen to embrace my weirdness.

Well, the reason I titled this post “Feelin’ Lucky” is because I won free tickets for Renfest this year!  The tickets only cost like $23 each, and my sister always pays for them as a gift for me for my birthday, but omygosh it’s so exciting to win!

Each Tuesday on their Facebook page, the Renaissance Festival posts a photo for their followers to share for a chance to win free tickets.  I’m not always on there to catch it, but I’ve shared their free ticket posts maybe a dozen times or so over the past year.  I also have a few friends who have no interest whatsoever in the Renaissance Festival, but participate just so they can give me the tickets if they win because they know how much I love going.  I never even asked them to do that, I have such great friends!  My daughter also participates, and she’s actually the one who noticed my name when they posted the winners.  Oh my, you should have heard the squeals of utter delight ringing throughout the house when she came and told me!  Weeeeeeee!  😀

On the Tuesday that I won, 8, 466 people entered!  I think that’s a ton of people, so I think I’m pretty lucky to have won!  Yay me!


I’ve been waiting for the tickets to arrive in the mail to post about this so I could take a picture of them to share, but I just couldn’t wait any longer.  So instead, here’s a photo from a couple of years ago of me holding up ‘the tickets that time forgot.’  I mean… that I forgot.  Oops!


You can read about that little oopsie here if you’d like…  https://ramblingsfromjewels.wordpress.com/2012/09/30/minnesota-renaissance-festival-2012/


I’m so grateful for winning and really excited for the tickets to arrive!  Renfest is coming up soon, I can’t wait to go this year!  I hope you have exciting things going on where you are too, and I wish you luck in all you set out to do!


✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1


UPDATE:  So fun… my tickets came in the mail today shortly after I posted this!



30 responses to “Feelin’ Lucky!

  1. Have fun, it’s good to appreciate our gifts. 🙂


  2. Congratulations! My husband and I go to the closest one every year. So much fun to step back in time! 🙂


    • Thanks so much, Kim! Do you two ever dress up when you go? It feels sort of silly, but it really adds to the whole experience. I enjoy seeing all the costumes. 🙂 It is really fun to step back in time, and I love medieval times especially!


      • No, but maybe this year we’ll throw caution to the wind! I still have all my costumes from playing, “Guenevere,” back in the day. Of course, they probably will not fit!!! Can’t wait to go. Hoping it’s not too humid this year. 😦


      • I say yes, throw all caution to the wind, especially if you have a Guenevere costume, that would be perfect! No worries if it doesn’t fit… you can pretend it’s a corset. 😉 Yeah, the weather can really be an issue, we’ve had both humid and freezing times at Renfest here. Hope we both get beautiful weather this year!


      • Ha, ha, Jewels, I’m truly afraid the costume would indeed be a “corset” at this stage in my life. Saving all of them for my grand-daughters one day. Still, you never know….tempting….:)


  3. What great luck this is… now I’ll have to go and search for you on FB to be able to see your posting there as well…


    • I know, it’s such great luck! I’ve had several other “lucky” things happen recently too, maybe I should enter the lottery?! 😉 I go in and out of being active on Facebook, sometimes I just don’t have much time to spend there, but it’s a nice way to keep in touch with friends who I don’t get to see in person regularly. 🙂


  4. There are several Renaissance Festivals in the Detroit area in the fall, but I’ve never been. This post may be the motivating factor that I need. 🙂


  5. Annette Rochelle Aben

    YAY you! I know you’ll have the best time and the as cool thing is, that we will ALL get to hear about it! ROCK that festival girlfriend


  6. You are lucky Julie, you better go play the lottery. I wished we lived close by so we could go, oh well you will just have to have fun for us.


    • Haha I thought about that, but I’ve never bought a lottery ticket in my life, so I don’t even know how it works! Sorry you guys don’t have one close by to go to, I’ll definitely have some fun for you! 😀


  7. Crooked Tracks

    Definite your lucky day 🙂


  8. WooHoo, Jewels! I know how much you love going and the win couldn’t go to a person more deserving than you. All that good energy and positivity just came back your way. Can’t wait to see this years photos.


    • WooHoo, thanks so much, I’m beyond excited! 🙂 The tickets ended up coming in the mail today shortly after I posted this and just made it more real! I’ll be sure to post some photos if I bring my camera… last year I didn’t bring it because I didn’t want to bother with it (didn’t fit in my corset). 😉


  9. Congrats, Jewels, it is thrilling to win any contest and you had some pretty tough odds there! Historical re-enactments are so much fun, because they help you get a feel for times gone by. Medieval fairs are a lot of fun, and I like colonial villages, too, like Williamsburg, VA, as well as Plimouth Plantation and Sturbridge Village in MA. History made real!
    Have a great time!


    • Thanks Eliza, it is such a thrill to have won these tickets, especially for an event I love so much! I’m really excited! And grateful…
      I’ve never been to a historical re-enactment before, we don’t really have any of those around here that I’m aware of, but I do enjoy learning about the history of things. 🙂


  10. Oh, how fun! We have a Renaissance Festival here in FL, too! Some of those costumes……!!! I like to watch the jousting matches and listening to the way everyone talks. I don’t get quite as nerdy…I mean as into it as you, but it is quite different and a lot of fun! Congrats on the free tickets, Ms Lucky!


    • I know, it’s so much fun! I love seeing all the various costumes, some people really go all out. I like watching the jousting too, and seeing the different stage acts. I think it so great that everyone stays in character ~ even the vendors and the people in the shops… I love being called m’lady. 😀


  11. When I and my wife lived in Minnesota we went yearly to the Festival and found it to be such great fun…If it is you, embrace it.


    • I never knew you lived here, Charlie. It really is such great fun! Interestingly… the first medieval type of festival I ever attended was actually there in Seattle many years ago while my sister was living there. I even still have the dried flower head wreath I got at it! 🙂


  12. Oh how exciting Julie – always so good to win something – and so unexpected given the numbers! Enjoy!! 🙂


  13. That’s a really good luck! Congratulations!!!!!


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