
Ah, that sense of connectedness feels so good doesn’t it?

I met with an old friend for lunch yesterday and we decided to go and check out a little cafe that is just a few blocks away from my house.  Since moving back home, I’ve been trying to acclimate myself to living back in the inner city, and to reacquaint myself with my old neighborhood, and what better way is there to get reacquainted with the neighborhood than to spend time at a local cafe?

The city lifestyle is so different from the country and the suburbs, where I had been living for the 20 years prior, so it’s been a big adjustment for me.  Just dealing with all of the traffic alone is huge, not to mention all the noise.  And my little nature loving self longs for the calm, quiet, natural spaces.  Because I’m so sensitive to the vibes of my surroundings, I sometimes find myself struggling from being sucked in and drained by the busy, and often chaotic atmosphere of the city.  But at the same time, I seem to have gradually carved out a little inner sanctuary of sorts within myself, which I bring with me whenever I go, so I still have a little place of peace inside of me even amidst all the chaos.  And then as I go about my business around the city and interact with people I try to open the doors of that sanctuary to share and invite others to a little of that peace I carry within.  I know that sounds a bit weird to put it that way, but I don’t really know how else to describe it.  Either way, it helps me cope.  And hopefully it benefits others as well.

As I sat and visited with my friend, in this charming cafe, we talked about some of the things that we’re each passionate about at the moment – she about subatomic particles, Higgs boson, and molecular biology, and me about nature, the universe, and the Qigong practices I’ve been doing lately.  And we expounded on those things in relation to God, spirituality, humanity, and the purpose of life (which we summed up is to love, by the way).  Needless to say, it was a very stimulating conversation, as it always is with this friend.  I adore her and so value the wonderful connection we’ve shared over all these years ~ 33 years, to be exact.

Anyway, it was when we took our conversation outside that brings me to the subject of this post.  Maybe it was just a natural extension from/because of the topics we were discussing, but as we sat out in front of the cafe, I began to feel a real sense of connection to the vibe of my neighborhood, like I fit in here somehow.  It was a strange sensation because I’ve felt a bit lost as to where my place is since my divorce in 2011, and I certainly haven’t felt any connection with the whole city vibe in general, as I mentioned earlier, so it was weird, but in a cool way.

All the people who passed by us were friendly and I felt connected to them too.  A guy passed by with his dog and I even felt connected to the dog.  The dog must have felt it too because she ran right up to me like she knew me, like I was a long lost friend or something.  Her owner even seemed a bit surprised about it and was awkwardly apologizing as her leash got all tangled up around me while she was weaving in and out between my legs so happy to see me.  It was adorable.  The dog and her awkward owner.  And it felt so wonderful to feel connected.

I’ve always felt that sense of connection with nature, with my fellow humans (in a general sense), and with spiritual things, but it was really cool to feel it in relation to my neighborhood, I haven’t felt it in that way for a long time, and it gave me a fresh sense of wanting to become more involved in my community.  I don’t know how long I’ll be living here, or what the future holds, but I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be right now, and that’s a great feeling.

And you know… in actuality, we’re all connected.  We each have only to open up ourselves to realize it.


“Find the sweetness in your own heart,

then you may find the sweetness in every heart.”

                                                                    ~ Rumi



May your day be filled with sweetness, connectedness, and with…



✿~Peace & Love~✿

Peace and Love 1




39 responses to “Connectedness

  1. What a beautiful post! I am so happy for you that you experienced that feeling of oneness and connectedness. It really is the best feeling in the world. Not that I experience it all that often. I, too, struggle with not feeling like I’m where I want to be. My neighborhood is too noisy, busy and chaotic for my quiet soul. I totally understand what you’re saying about feeling like you have built a sanctuary within yourself. It makes perfect sense to me! I just need to work on building it for myself. I’m definitely not there yet but your post is inspiration for me to work on it! I hope you have another fabulous, connected day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Trisha! It really is a wonderful feeling, I’m sure that the various topics in our conversation was of some influence and maybe helped make me a little more in tune or something, but it caught me a bit by surprise.
      And it was a lovely surprise…
      Hope your day is fabulous too, my friend! ❤


  2. I’m very happy for you Julie. To be finding your place or maybe more accurately, to be opening to love, creating a sense of place and connection with all. At least that’s what it seems like to me. Regardless, I’m glad you enjoyed your time and connection with your friend and neighborhood.
    Lovely photo too! 🙂

    to connection…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I don’t know how long I’ll be living here, or what the future holds, but I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be right now, and that’s a great feeling.”

    This is beautiful, Julie. You never cease to make me smile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. beautiful post and I love that feeling too ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you Julie. Heart opening and heart warming

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Really lovely post, so wonderful to have an old friend you that you adore.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We are all connected. Even though I believe this all the time, I so enjoy the times I actually feel it — Glad for you feeling that way 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a lovely post Julie! So happy for you for feeling connected again, that’s wonderful! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A lovely experience shared Jewels, it is an important part of who we are relationally to feel connected! I have experienced the same as you having moved from living in the country in a beautiful beachside town to the big city to marry my present wife, it was and still is somewhat of a stressful transformation, but I am slowly adjusting, but that is what you do when God keeps his best till last. Blessing awaits you Jewels as you step positively and lovingly into your future!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m always feeling that sense of connection with nature and with people, but it was really cool to feel that connection to my neighborhood. During my divorce, the thought of moving back home was my ‘worst case scenario,’ but I am gradually finding out that so much good and blessing can still come out of even ones worst case scenario. And to now feel a sense of connection and being in the exact place I’m meant to be (for right now), is a wonderful feeling.
      Oh to live in a beautiful beach side town – that is my ultimate dream. She must be one heck of a woman to leave that for! 😉
      “Blessing awaits you Jewels as you step positively and lovingly into your future!” What a wonderful, encouraging thing to say, thank you! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  10. I just love this post, Julie! It’s great to feel that connectedness on a visceral level. We only have to open up our awareness, like tuning into a channel on the radio, to receive it. Animals are always in tune, so it makes sense that the dog was thrilled to find a human who was on the same channel – so rare – lol! Martha Beck wrote a great book about this type of connectedness: ‘Finding Your Way in a Wild New World.’ I think you’d love it, too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Eliza, I’m so glad you liked it. It was absolutely delightful to have that dog love on me like that, just precious. Dogs are so freaking awesome! ❤ And it was equally fun that her owner was so caught off guard by it, maybe he went away with more of a feeling of connectedness too. 🙂 As more of us 'tune in' to the realization that we're all connected, the world can become a better place for everyone. I'll check out the book you mentioned, thanks!
      Hope you have a wonderful day!


  11. You are just where you are meant to be right now, and obviously becoming more aware and open to the connectedness running through and in all beings, all things. I am glad for you that you have stepped sideways, possibly out of a difficult situation, and are now able to see the world with new, fresh, eyes, and to feel that true sense of being, of belonging. Keep well, keep happy, be blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Krys, it was a very meaningful experience to feel that real sense of connection with my neighborhood, seeing as moving back here was not what I wanted to do after my divorce, even though I knew it was the right thing to do. To now be ‘feeling’ a connection aside from just knowing, is pretty exciting! As a side note, because you’ve only recently joined me here, I’ll mention that the house I currently live in is my family home – my mom grew up in this house, as did I, and now my own daughter lives in it with us too (we moved in here with my mom after my dad passed away and have been working on some home improvement projects). In all, five generations of my family have lived here, so it’s pretty cool. 🙂


  12. The city can be both exhausting and peaceful… one needs only to condition the mind… I find when we return to the city I see everything differently for a very short time, and then the birds can be heard singing amid the traffic noise, and looking around I find my inner peace with the nature that exists there…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know exactly what you mean, Bulldog, and you’ve put it so perfectly. The city can be exhausting, but can also be peaceful as well – I’ve spent the morning here today so far listening to the birds singing amid that traffic noise. 🙂 Nature does indeed exist here and it’s in that which I too find my inner peace.

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  13. Absolutely beautiful post, Julie.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Finding our passion is so important! What a lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Julie, I saw that 1000voices for compassion’s theme for this month was about connections and I was wondering if I could share your post on fb on the group 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. So glad you are putting the move to a different enviroment a positive spin on it! I think that nature is beyond compare a place of peace and restfulness. Beauty and light are there.
    I also have been in suburbs, which can feel like you are part of a neighborhood and this is pleasant, too.
    A city has its downfalls, but there is a lot to do, exciting places to see, free entertainment and you are starting to feel like part of the community of humanity. Great and fantastic post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I so agree, Robin – the peace found in nature truly is beyond compare, and it is there I feel most connected to the universe, and closest to God. ❤
      Funny you mention the free entertainment that the city provides, as I was just recently writing down all the free concerts and movies in the park that are coming up this summer in my neighborhood – I'm looking forward to checking some of them out.
      Thanks so much Robin, I'm glad you liked it! 🙂


  17. Thank you for sharing and connecting with us in this loving moment of spiritual connection Julie. The love and Presence is always there … even when we are not in nature.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. 365dniwobiektywielg

    Probably apple blossom

    Liked by 1 person

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